Help, I think my hair stopped growing!


Well-Known Member
Something strange has happened to me lately and I was struggling on my own to find the answers but Im really stumped. I think highly of many of you and your opinions so I thought I'd bring it here. About 4 days ago I shaved my eyebrows of course to shape them. I dont get them waxed because for me it is too painful. Because I shave them, I am used to having to do it just about every other day and Im fine with that. The problem is that,I have not had to shave my eyebrows within the last 4 days and I am feeling very nervous about that. Im starting to think my hair over all has stopped growing. I was wondering what did I do lately that could have caused this problem. These are the new things that have happened.

1 I ran out of pure powder msm about 3 weeks ago after taking it daily for over a year.

2 I recently bought some gourmet coffee (chocolate flavored) and have been drinking it every morning.

3 For the first time I bought some Freeda multivits and have been taking them for a week now.

Im not saying these things have or havent anything to do with it but they are the things that have taken place lately. Can anybody help me figure this out? I would appreciate any and every response. Maybe Im just overreacting but I have NEVER gone damn near 4 days without having to shave my eyebrows.

This is standing out most in my mind...
The MSM I had been taking had sent my growth phase into over drive all this time and as soon as it left my system, everything just stopped. What do ya'll think? Please dont laugh, Im too nervous to think intelligently right now /images/graemlins/frown.gif.
If you have gotten this far...thanks for reading /images/graemlins/spinning.gif.
It sounds like your body adjusted to having the MSM, and now it's gone into "withdrawl". Just my unprofessional opinion, try replacing the coffee with some herbal tea, besides caffeine makes you age faster and you will reap the benefits of a good herbal tea instead of having to pop vitamins everyday. HTH
Oh no!!!! Honeylemondrop, is your coffee caffeinated? Caffeine works against your B vitamis and thus slows hair and nail growth. I have switched to tea (low in caffeine) or decaf for this very reason. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

LorraineG said:
Oh no!!!! Honeylemondrop, is your coffee caffeinated? Caffeine works against your B vitamis and thus slows hair and nail growth. I have switched to tea (low in caffeine) or decaf for this very reason. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Honeylemondrop, thanks for posting this thread because I learned a thing or two from it. Dang, I love having coffee at work. In anycase I hope thats what is causing your problem because it should be easy to fix!
Thanks for your responses everyone. I have been drinking one cup of coffee in the morning for as long as I can remember. Also, I was using Splenda for a few months but when it ran out, I lazily went back to regular sugar. I dont know if one cup of coffee per day is doing this but I guess I will have to do an experiment to see. That is eliminate the coffee for a period of time and see what happens. I already purchased some more msm. I was thinking of drinking Postum, it is a coffee like beverage that tastes really good, no caf either. Oh boy this will be hard...I really love the taste of coffee in the morning, but I love my hair more.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Something strange has happened to me lately and I was struggling on my own to find the answers but Im really stumped. I think highly of many of you and your opinions so I thought I'd bring it here. About 4 days ago I shaved my eyebrows of course to shape them. I dont get them waxed because for me it is too painful. Because I shave them, I am used to having to do it just about every other day and Im fine with that. The problem is that,I have not had to shave my eyebrows within the last 4 days and I am feeling very nervous about that. Im starting to think my hair over all has stopped growing. I was wondering what did I do lately that could have caused this problem. These are the new things that have happened.

1 I ran out of pure powder msm about 3 weeks ago after taking it daily for over a year.

2 I recently bought some gourmet coffee (chocolate flavored) and have been drinking it every morning.

3 For the first time I bought some Freeda multivits and have been taking them for a week now.

Im not saying these things have or havent anything to do with it but they are the things that have taken place lately. Can anybody help me figure this out? I would appreciate any and every response. Maybe Im just overreacting but I have NEVER gone damn near 4 days without having to shave my eyebrows.

This is standing out most in my mind...
The MSM I had been taking had sent my growth phase into over drive all this time and as soon as it left my system, everything just stopped. What do ya'll think? Please dont laugh, Im too nervous to think intelligently right now /images/graemlins/frown.gif.
If you have gotten this far...thanks for reading /images/graemlins/spinning.gif.

Although caffeine is bad for you in large quantities, I doubt that it has affected your hair growing. White people drink coffee regularly and their hair still grows.

Now, it may be the MSM, because MSM speeds up your hair growth and makes it more glossy. So maybe that's why.

Also, hair generally grows faster when the weather is hot and slower when it's cold. What's the weather like where you are?

Also, generally I don't have much hair on my eyebrows and never really notice them growing but the hair on my head grows in fast. :lol: Strange.:cool:

Why don't you just buy your regular MSM and get back on track?
I read somewhere that hair growth occurs in phases and one of the phases is a resting phase, so maybe that is what your going through right now. I think it was a magazine and they were recommending that you shave your legs and pluck your eyebrows during your resting phase so that it grew back slower. I guess you would have to figure out when your resting phase is!
It could be that you shaved them instead of waxing them. Sometimes shaving can cause your hair follicules (or whatever they are called) to become blocked and that could be what is happening. Try a light facial exfoliant in that area to remove any blocked follicules. I honestly don't think that the changes that you made would make a difference in your hair growth that quickly.