Help! I Need Advice On Coating Previously-relaxed Strands, Pls.


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody,
I've already searched, but I need suggestions for coating previously-relaxed hair. My beautician is pretty good about avoiding overlap and I stretch 9-14 weeks so the line of demarcation is pretty clear, but I feel I need to do more. I'd like to detangle tonight and coat tomorrow morning before I see her.

What are you all using to coat your strands? TIA!
Oh, since you’re going to a shop, I would probably massage in a protein cheapy condish, full of cones, and then a bit of grease over that. That way, it’ll still be easy for her to part.

I self relax and pre-part so I coat my whole strand with oil then use a heavy hand of cone condish and vaseline to protect my pre-relaxed hair.

HTH! :)