Help...I have to speak on Sunday


Well-Known Member
I have to speak on Sunday to the youth. I was just told. I'm really tired and I'm still moving and I'm living out of boxes in my room and working 12 hour shifts at work and trying to get my life together this week and maybe FINALLY get a chance to work out and bam...I have to speak. But what was I going to say "I have to clean my room...I can't do it?" Well I wasn't asked, I was told anyway. I really need to pray and change my mentality because if you can tell I really don't feel like it.

But thats besides the point, I have to speak and I need help. I need to talk about the importance of church involvement as a youth, my experience, anything I want to ....

So please help me someone. I'm probably going to start working on it on Wed. because I have to work 12 hours tommorrow.
I have to speak on Sunday to the youth. I was just told. I'm really tired and I'm still moving and I'm living out of boxes in my room and working 12 hour shifts at work and trying to get my life together this week and maybe FINALLY get a chance to work out and bam...I have to speak. But what was I going to say "I have to clean my room...I can't do it?" Well I wasn't asked, I was told anyway. I really need to pray and change my mentality because if you can tell I really don't feel like it.

But thats besides the point, I have to speak and I need help. I need to talk about the importance of church involvement as a youth, my experience, anything I want to ....

So please help me someone. I'm probably going to start working on it on Wed. because I have to work 12 hours tommorrow.
:kiss: Angel, let it all go and let God flow. He'll take care of all of the rest and He will give you His very best.

You can't do it all, but what we do for Jesus, makes up for more than what we've placed on hold. These are not words of 'lecture'; and frankly you've had enough 'duty calls' talks going on in your head as it is. :drunk:

Instead, this is a message of love to see you through what you've been called/asked/told to do. You feel overwhelmed and one more straw will surely break the camel's back, let alone put you further behind than you want to be.

It's not the 'speaking' that bothers you, it's the 'additional' thing that has been added to keep you from doing what you've been trying so hard to do for so long.

God wants to make all the high places low, all the crooked places straight, and to crush into dust the gates of iron. God wants to 'free' you.

So allow Him to just that. 'Free You'. He loves you and He sees everything about you that feels so 'undone'. Let Him free from the care of it so that He can do just that, take care of it for you.

Casting all our cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you...:love2:

It's okay. Even your thoughts of frustration. It's okay. :grouphug2:
You could relate your experience this week to your message somehow. :scratchch Keep it real! I'm sure some of the youth don't feel like doing certain things sometimes, but when God wants you to do something- you do it!

Let us know how it goes!
You could relate your experience this week to your message somehow. :scratchch Keep it real! I'm sure some of the youth don't feel like doing certain things sometimes, but when God wants you to do something- you do it!

Let us know how it goes!
CandiceC, this is excellent discerning on your part, for many, many of our youth do not look forward to coming to Church. This is an excellent witness and testimony. :yep:
You could relate your experience this week to your message somehow. :scratchch Keep it real! I'm sure some of the youth don't feel like doing certain things sometimes, but when God wants you to do something- you do it!

Let us know how it goes!

Yeah! I like that! And whatever you have to do, whether it's homework or having to clean up your room, do it with excellence, and do it unto the Lord with gladness!
Hey guys...It went really well today! I think I reached some of the youth, many talked to me after service and asked me some questions that I had when I was there serving in ministry. I'm hoping that I can continue working with them while I'm at home.
Hey guys...It went really well today! I think I reached some of the youth, many talked to me after service and asked me some questions that I had when I was there serving in ministry. I'm hoping that I can continue working with them while I'm at home.

I'm really glad that it went well. Sounds like your heart was in it and you were being used by the Holy Spirit.

I'm really proud of you, sis:yep: