HELP---I have some q's on wrapping


New Member
HELP---I have some q\'s on wrapping

for almost 2 years I have been faithfully wrapping my hair. Just the other day I read a few posts that stated wrapping my thin the ends.... Hmmm. I'd like to hear more about this.

My hair is natural and BUSHY, my ends (or the length) is always thinner than the bulk of my hair. They are not 'see thru' (unless they're greasy) Is this normal--or do most of you ladies have thickness right down to the ends??
Also please give some info on wrapping (good or bad)...
I have really started to obsess about this because I thought wrapping was "it".
Re: HELP---I have some q\'s on wrapping

I've heard about the wrapping scenario and I can tell you i've been doing it for over 10 years and my temples are slightly thinning. I currently use ORS Temple Balm but haven't noticed anything that significant yet (I will have to use it more religiously than I have been). While I still will wrap my hair, I just will not put any pins in the front of my head at all. I always used a cotton scarf (UGH!!!) all my life so that may have contributed to the hair thinning. Overall, my hair is healthy - in need of a relaxer - but healthy all the same.
Re: HELP---I have some q\'s on wrapping

henrilou - I have been wrapping my hair for quite some time as well. My ends are fine so far. Maybe the thinning that some have experienced might come from vigorous brushing to keep the wrap in place.

CaramelHonee - My stylist noted that wrapping hair in one direction can put stress on the temple area, so try to wrap the hair one night in one direction of the head and try it in the opposite direction the next (I was not too successful with this method, but it may work). Something else you might try: part your hair at different spots near your temple so that the hair is not stressed at the same place each time.

I too have used a cotton scarf for wrapping hair (cotton robs the hair of moisture), so now I try to alternate the cotton scarves with ones of silk or satin. The cotton ones seem to stay on better, but the other fabrics help the hair overall.