HELP!!! I have scalp sores


New Member
I have had my hair natural for a couple of years now, and every so oftern i get hair sores... well i got briads in sept, and just took them out, and my hair sores are worse than ever... they hurt so bad, and i dont know what to do... suggestions?
thank you... i think it is because of the pulling of my hair to take it out, but i dont know.. i guess i will have ot set up an apointment
I used to get sores on my scalp when it was really dry. My scalp would be itchy and flakey all of the time. I really believe that flaxseed oil helped me out a great deal. I used to think that it was all due to the MTG but I have stopped using that but continued with the flaxseed oil. I have not had any problems with my scalp in a while.
Have you been using barrettes or clips with sharp metal parts? Or using hair sticks roughly sometimes?

I've gotten scrapes that scabbed over from using sharp, cheap claw clips or those barrettes with metal backs. A little Neosporin helps.
OR you could be having an allergic reaction to something. Maybe a hair product. But also it could be air spray or maybe you touched something and then touched your head.Those things have caused my scalp to have an allergic reaction. Go see what the dermatologist says.
Im also battling the same thing. The first thing I tried was pure lavender mixed with tea tree oil. the mixture put me to sleep so fast i thought I was dying, but no, lavender makes you sleep. anyway it soothed the itching a bit. since then i tried castor oil. I added nizoral and its a bit more comfortable. my red bumps went away with the castor oil and diluted lavender and tea tree oil. I just started nizoral last week to see if i can kill the itching totally. at present, im not itching. today i bought olive oil to add to my conditioner and daily moisturizer. it seems that anything I add to my scalp causes the itching. i try to apply them without touching my scalp but its tough. i read somewhere that oil oil helps with calming the scalp. that i will add to my moisturizers but i will stick with castor oil for oiling my scalp and nizoral for washing twice a week. i hope something helps you, but i am still in the trial and error mode. dont laugh but today i ordered mtg. i had some hairloss with the itching so i am itching to find a solution. good luck with it.
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KeraCare's Dry & Itchy Scalp line saved my friends head. Hers was more than likely worse than your and with the use of the line her hair has done a complete 180. So check it out.
See a derm so be safe. Sometimes, they can be caused by bacteria--similar to how acne affects the face. You can get a topical antibiotic if that's the case.
Have you always had them or just recently?

I have scalp sores sometimes for no apparent reason and I use emu and vit e oil on them and they go away.
Try switching to a no sulfate shampoo(I used to have then really bad both as a natural and relaxed-I think I was allergic to sulfates) or if your braids are synthetic, soaking them in vingear and water as per the crown and glory website ( that usually helps too
I used a liquid called CamporPhenique and it helped cool and heal my sores. I bought it at Walgreens.