Help! I feel so confused right now!

I have attended a church several times now threw out the last few months, really since the beginning of this year, and have enjoyed it when i have been there. i know several ppl from my job that go there. I have been a christian and believing in the lord since i was a child and rededicated my life to God several years ago, but recently have found my self w/o a church home do to a scandal that shut down the one i had been attending. I went to the front to join the church today, and the bishop had said before i got up there to get one side if you were joining and the other side if you need prayer. I didn't see which way to go so i stood on the left side and waited and prayed. When the bishop came to me he put his hand on my head then said "let her go, i command you to let her go!" I fell bk wards and keep going till some women laid me down, my feet shook and i spoke in tongues, which is a gift i believe i received almost three yrs ago, i felt so confused and embrassed, everyone looking at me like something was wrong with me, i wanted some kind of explaination and didnt get one? I went to my car first, to put down my things. Then went bk in the church to see if i could talk to him, but he walked right past me in a hurried manner. I don't believe i am possed (sp?) i am a christian! I felt that God was there or was it ? I went to front to join the church, and now feel like i don't know what to make of this, is this normal, am i supposed not have any explaination of things?

i asked that this thread be deleted, i went bk up to the church to have a time to meet w/ the bishop, just to clarify i am confused with what he said and did not with my identity is Jesus Christ.
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Proably the 3rd time i went there, the bishop called me to the front of the church during a praise session, and hugged me, didnt say anything, i knew it was because i had just danced in the spirit and ran half way around the church, I didnt try to, never have, but have always believed it was the spirit of God on my life. Either way this was the first time this happened at this church, so he got up and pointed at me, to come to the front, so i did he hugged me didnt say nothing to me, and let me go after a few minutes and i began to dance again in the spirit, and the whole church errupted into praise and dance, again no explaination of what just happened then i didnt attend for a few weeks. I feel like i am being humilated and believe something funny is going on, and No i will not be joining this church.
You may have a specific annointing on your life and the enemy is trying to hinder you. Maybe the fact that you are not sure about joining the church or not is the devils way of trying to trick you out of doing something that is good for you. If you go there and you feel at home, if you get a WORD when you go, If you feel your spirit is being fed, then that is your church home. I would say, to call the church and try to schedule a meeting with the pastor to answer your questions. But you probably know that as a Christian, you are most vulnerable to the enemy when he gets you into a place of not being connected to the body of christ. Right now, although you believe and are saved, you are physically alone because you don't have a church family to connect and fellowship with. Pray about it. I'll be praying too.
I called then when't back up to the church and was told to call tommorow to arrange to speak with the bishop. Honestly i will give him a chance to tell me what he saw, because i left there felling confused and not sure what i just got delivered from?