Help!!! How to Evangelize/Witness to People


Well-Known Member
I am convicted by my own slothfulness.

In Bible study our teacher pointed out that we come to Chruch to get strength and learn but Kingdom building is done outside of those four walls.

Well I have been trying to work on my walk with God, and my my life as a witness to others but I have been slacking off in actually inviting people to Christ (not just church). If I think about it, I cant remember the last time I told a SINNER about Christ (cuz I talk to other believers all the time...and backslidders). ( I have been mistaking my numerous church activities as doing my part to build the kingdom instead of seeking souls)

So I want to be about my fathers business of reconciling souls to Him...

How do I do that? lol.

I know some people stand on corners and pass out tracks etc. (but I barely listen when people do that so I wouldnt feel effective...and its winter and gets dark when I get off work)

I've thought about at work...because I have clients in my office...but Im not sure how I would incorporate that into a casual conversation in a nonthreatening way and it not conflict with them getting into our program, or my position.

Please Help me with ways to build the kingdom...

Oh...I have posted a couple thought-provoking questions on my facebook page hoping sinners will reply...but so far only christians have replied.
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This post is timely as I was wondering the same. Then I stumbled upon this verse:
Luke 10:2 (New King James Version)
2 Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

Prayer is an important step. Prayer for the unsaved. Prayer for help (in the form of the Holy Spirit and other believers) to reach the unsaved. Through prayer comes help and guidance as to what to do next. Pray hard and pray without ceasing. This is a critical way to reach these people.

I also think to Proverbs. Forgive me, I don't know which verse it was but it was something along the lines of a kind word makes a heart merry. This could be a tool to evangelize to people as well. Emanate kindness and love and they will be attracted. For instance, I have an unsaved friend who is alone this Valentine's Day weekend. I will mail him a card .. I am praying for what scripture to include (perhaps one on love). I won't include that it is from the Bible; I'll just quote it. Take baby steps with the unsaved.

Hopefully others chime in as I am still new to this as well.
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Great Discussion!

1 Corithians 3:5-9 came to mind.

5What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. 6I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. 7So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. 9For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.

God created us all with unique personalities, gifts, and talents to plant and water for the uplifting of His Kingdom.

I believe if you live your life according to what God purposed and willed for you, the Spirit of God will draw those to you to encourage, witness, pray, etc.

You do not necessarily have to stand on a street corner to pass out tracks. Those who you interact with regurlarly are an opportunity to witness simply by being you; the person that God has called you to be.

You probably have already reached and led so many to Christ through your conversation, community service, prayers, compassion and love for others without realizing it.:yep:.
It's wonderful that you are looking to do the work of the Kingdom, outside of church walls. :clap: There would be more people coming to Christ, if more would do it.

It's important for you to go out at least, 2 by 2. We do get opportunities to witness to people alone, but when you are going out with the purpose to do it, then its best to be with someone else.

If you would like to know why, you can pm me.

You say you have an office, how about posting a few scriptures around your office (maybe even framing them) and having your Bible on your desk. Even if no one asks you about those things, I'm sure at least one person will read them and be encouraged! Maybe it can even turn into a conversation!
I think part of evangelizing is building relationships. Then people trust you when they see your lifestyle and they would like the same for themselves. That is how my eyebroww person became a christian. My friend from church likes to say , people do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care. I do not like to come off as religious, most brokers in my office are jewish. However they know by the way I conduct business that I am a christian without throwing it in their faces.
Thank you because as a Jew I really feel insulted when people try and throw their religion in my face and try to get me to covert. I don't like to be nasty to people but sometimes I do kind of snap. When I am at work I dont' wear my religion on my sleeve it is a personal matter and I dont' throw my religion in peoples face's

Thank you very much for not doing the same.

Let me politely ask

How to you tell people that you are not interested in their religion after you have told them time and time again no thanks without coming across as rude. Aren't they rude to keep doing this

I think part of evangelizing is building relationships. Then people trust you when they see your lifestyle and they would like the same for themselves. That is how my eyebroww person became a christian. My friend from church likes to say , people do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care. I do not like to come off as religious, most brokers in my office are jewish. However they know by the way I conduct business that I am a christian without throwing it in their faces.
Almaz, I would politely tell them thank you for offering...if I change my mind I know who to come to.

But for me, Once I mention it once I dont again unless they come to me. After that its them seeing my lifestyle and character as a witness.

Thank you ladies for all of your replies. I just cant shake the feeling that I should be doing more, ya know? Like everyone that knows me knows Im saved, whether I told them or they observed it. And I totally agree that buildig relationships is important. I do have some nice scriptures on my desk facing outwards and my Bible is a constant presence on my desk.

I guess my delimma is how do i seek to tell people about Christ as opposed to waiting for the opportunity to find me? I think? lol.

Please keep praying for me ladies and offering your suggestions and experiences.
Thank you ladies for all of your replies. I just cant shake the feeling that I should be doing more, ya know? Like everyone that knows me knows Im saved, whether I told them or they observed it. And I totally agree that buildig relationships is important. I do have some nice scriptures on my desk facing outwards and my Bible is a constant presence on my desk.

I guess my delimma is how do i seek to tell people about Christ as opposed to waiting for the opportunity to find me? I think? lol.

Please keep praying for me ladies and offering your suggestions and experiences.

Does your church have an Outreach Ministry? Within that ministry there are a lot of ways and opportunities where you can reach the masses / unsaved.
James 2:17-18 Even so faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone. Yes, a man may say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
You are right; we are called to do more than just merely function in this life. We are to become like Christ, to do as He did no matter how badly the world treats us. It is a part of growing closer to Him as we mature spiritually. Witnessing is one of the most important things He did. Although we are called to "take up the cross/die to self," we can do nothing without His Power within us. Seek Him out, first, and get used to carrying your bible everywhere you go.

Also, let your person be the example, no decorations or forced show of piety. Remember how much Jesus hated it when the Pharisees did that? We have enough of that and it's having the opposite effect on the world. Just lean into Him when the opportunity arises. As to what to say, the Holy Spirit will lead you. If you are used to talking about the Father everyday, the words will come easier.

If you choose to form a relationship to witness, that is fine, but not required. Random incidences can be a lot of fun!

Rejection in every nasty form is a large part of this, but necessary. Why? It is refinement, the long-suffering part. Jesus had to endure this even unto death and called us to do no less. Every place of worship should be teaching this and it angers me that it is not. Have a talk with your pastor about this.

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Helping others can bring forth the best opportunity to witness, but don't use it to trick people into listening. Be causal about it and let it go if the person is not receptive. If you are to be a witness by your actions alone, that is fine, too.

O, how the Father rejoices when we desire His will above all!