HELP!...How do I revive my hair?!


New Member
I have brastrap relaxed hair that is in fairly good condition. My problem is that it looks shine or luster. It is that brown color you get after years of relaxers. Any suggestions for giving it a "tune up?" I have some gray, so I would like to color also. Thanks!!!
Sounds like you need a good clarifying - and if you use no-lye relaxers, a good chelating, too.

I'm sure other will be in to chime in on appropriate products.....

Good Luck!
My hair really has no shine at all but recently I started using EVCO (extra virgin coconut oil) and the other day I noticed my hair was shinning like a new penny.
EVCO is the BOMB! Try that! My hair loves it and I'm natural with sheen and shine out of this world(when I use my coconut oil)!
Virgin coconut oil does add nice shine. Henna also help restore hair as it binds to hair's natural protein (keratin.) Aveda's Black Malva Color conditioner gives hair a nice black tone while diminishing redness. HTH :)