HELP! How Do I M&S a Bantu Knot Out???


Active Member
Hellooooo ladies, ugh I feel like an advanced newbie lol. I haven't gotten out of the newbie stage because I have plenty more to learn.

I have been a very bad girl lately. I've been doing Bantu knot outs for a while now.... Problem is, I don't moisturize OR seal, DON'T SHOOT ME *peeks from behind hands, and slowly continues*. The reason why is because I don't know how without losing the style. I really wanna keep it moisturized and also oil my scalp, but HOW? Can anyone help?

Also, how do you tie it up at night?
As long as you M&S before you do the knots, you should be ok. How often do you redo them? Also, wear a satin bonnet at night and you should be fine in the AM.

I don't know what to moisturize them with, that is, if you really feel the need to....maybe a spray moisturizer, but not too much? I guess it depends on if you are relaxed or natural.
Hi, I'm transitioning and I do Bantu knot outs every week. They last a week, sometimes more for me since I set it on wet hair and use a dryer afterwards. About one or two days after they don't feel so great, so how do I moisturize AND seal?
Oh wow, that's quite an accomplishment, getting them to last a week. You may want to use an oil that moisturizes and seals, like EVCO. Not quite sure how not to mess up the style while applying it.
Are you using single twists, double twists or braids to make bantu knots? You can moisturize the sections of hair before you twist or braid. Creamy moisturizers last longer for me. You can seal the ends before you twist to form the knot. For second day hair use a moisturizer in spray bottle, dilute if necessary or use smaller nozzle to get a mist.

You can untwist the knot a few turns to reseal with oil if necessary and twist it back under. Don't forgot to use your fingertip to oil your parts if scalp feels dry.

My hair retains moisture better over several days if I end my wash with a final rinse of honey (1 tablespoon in 6 cups warm water). Do NOT rinse out. The honey helps to hold moisture that is applied on sequential days. I have added 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, the smell disappears as the vinegar evaporates. I like acv final rinses and it does not hinder the moisture retention of the honey. This works for my natural type 4 hair. I wear a plastic cap or satin cap to sleep at night.

Thanks Choctaw, I do a single twist then Bantu knot it. I do everything you said and still couple of days later my hair is dry, again!
You might have to just M&S and redo the knots then, there might not be a work-around to avoid that. The only thing I can think of is a spray moisturizer as well, but then there's still the problem of how you would seal without disturbing the style.
Hellooooo ladies, ugh I feel like an advanced newbie lol. I haven't gotten out of the newbie stage because I have plenty more to learn.

I have been a very bad girl lately. I've been doing Bantu knot outs for a while now.... Problem is, I don't moisturize OR seal, DON'T SHOOT ME *peeks from behind hands, and slowly continues*. The reason why is because I don't know how without losing the style. I really wanna keep it moisturized and also oil my scalp, but HOW? Can anyone help?

Also, how do you tie it up at night?

I just redo the twists at night and put on a satin bonnet. I individually m&s each knot. Then apply a little bee mine curly hold butter. Keeps them fresh for about 3 days. HTH
I spritz Scurl in hand and scrunch that into my hair and I do the same with a dime size (if that) in hand and scrunch into hair...or as others mentioned, m&s and redo knots.