Help! How Do I Get the Green Out?


New Member
I decided to put an off black semi permanent color on over the weekend and it looks nice, although today I noticed a little greenish tint where my hair was really light. For those of you who wear semi perm color (and I know there are a lot of you, so I am expecting some of my hair sisters to help me out :lol: ), how do I get the green out? Would it be ok to go over that part of my hair with more color?

Oh! And how long should I wait? I added color this past Sat.
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something with red in it will cancel out the green. It's a color wheel type thing. green= yellow + blue so red will cancel it out.
put tomoato sauce in dry hair leave it in for about a half hour 40 mins then shampoo as usual...
should work
crlsweetie912 said:
something with red in it will cancel out the green. It's a color wheel type thing. green= yellow + blue so red will cancel it out.

or something with a brown base...try bigen dark brown/black.
crlsweetie912 said:
something with red in it will cancel out the green. It's a color wheel type thing. green= yellow + blue so red will cancel it out.

I was just about to post this. A stylist told my mom that if you get black rinses on a regular basis, every once in a while you should do a red toned rinse to counteract the green.

I'm not familiar with RachiQue's method, but it sounds like it's based on the same principal, and you don't have to add another coloring process to do it. Plus the acid content of the tomato sauce might make a good cuticle smoothing treatment.
thickness said:
or something with a brown base...try bigen dark brown/black.
Be careful with this method. The brown would still have to have a red base to counter the green cast.
crlsweetie912 said:
something with red in it will cancel out the green. It's a color wheel type thing. green= yellow + blue so red will cancel it out.

I needed this today! I was just trying to figure out how to cancel out the green cast this blue black colourshines has left me with. :mad: I'm planning to get a fresh new professional color job before school starts back, so I'll be sure to let the stylist know I want something with a red base. No more home coloring for me.:lol:
Crl, are you still working as a stylist? or have you put up your shears?
KhandiB said:
Wish I knew this when my hair was green :lol:

I have been the GREEN QUEEN at several unfortunate times in the past year! I even once had a man compliment me on the nice way I had matched up my hair with my kelly green cardigan set....told me it was very attractive....:ohwell: I was like, "FOOL, I ain't do this on PURPOSE!" *screaming*

Ahh...anyway....the only thing that has worked has been combining one part red with two parts of a brown or dark brown for me. Turns it dark auburn. It's pretty. But, I miss my copper and gold highlights I used to have. So, now, I use Colourshines redissimo and neutral brown mixed. I want to go with a bigen cause I'm tired of having to keep retouching the temp. color every couple of weeks. (when it washes strands get that greenish look in the sunshine or bright office light)
this is the reason why I'm scared to put a black semi-permanent over this golden/reddish color of mine. I don't want to risk my hair turning green
Hello Everyone...

I am a newbie, I posted an introduction in the "Introduce Yourself" thread.

About twelve years ago, I had gotten highlights that didn't come out right because my stylist put waaaay too many blonde streaks through my entire head of hair. I wanted to calm down the blonde so he suggest the only way to get all of the blonde out was to dye it black to cover up the blonde and then to re-highlight a month later. I washed my hair once a week for two weeks before the next color and you wouldn't believe it, the black dye started coming out and I had a head full of lime green hair! Well, I didn't remember my art classes in junior high school: Black mixed with Yellow = Green. I regretted ever agreeing to this, but he was supposed to be the professional. I was do devastated. I had to wear a hat the rest of my high school year (thank God graduation was a month away).

I thought my hair would never recover but it did. I don't remember exactly what I did to correct it, but I do remember constant conditioning and wearing protective ponytails everyday. Now, ponytails have been my main style for the last 15 years. They are never outdated, always in fashion.

I hope I am not being too forward being a newbie, but I would suggest you go to a professional stylist and have them correct the color to prevent any further problems.

This is just a suggestion.
