HelP! Hard hair after DC


New Member
So I was lurking on KISS and LHCF earlier and decided that I was going to wash/DC and roller set my hair tonight so I could have a style that would last me until Saturday when I get my touch up.

Anyhoo, I shampooed with Design Essentials Moisture Retention and decided to DC with cond, evco & molasses. I did this treatment about a month ago and my hair felt so silky afterwards that I decided this my help my rollerset come out silky n bouncy!! Noppppppppeee! For whatever reason this time my hair felt hard..(under dryer for 20mins)...even after I rinsed it was hard. I put Herbal Essence Hello Hydration ...softer but still hard. I then decided to shampoo again...which helped and then I used Organics Hair Mayo. After leaving it in for 20mins or so I rinsed etc and there was a difference my even after using NTM leave in it was hair to detangle and my ng felt weird. Needless to say I lost hair trying to detangle in the shower and out.

I put some CareFreeCurl on the mg and Organics olive oil moisturizer on the length with EVCO to seal. I twisted four sections and put my satin wrap on. Hopefully it will dry ok.

Where have I gone wrong????
Maybe the change in weather? Or perhaps the measurements were different than the last time? Did you leave the dc on the same length of time as you did the last time you used the mix? Did you use a different conditioner? A different brand of molasses?