Help!!!Hair shedding since doing the Big Chop!!


Well-Known Member
I did officially did the big chop September 27, 2011 yay me lol!

Okay here is the problem since i did the big chop when i wash my hair in the shower i see my hair keeps shedding in the tub. Its like pissing me off i don't think there's any relaxer ends in my hair right now so I don't know what to do to stop the shedding its been like this for two weeks wash it once last week and today this week. any advice would be appreciated

This is my hair regimen so far...
Shampoo-Silk as Moisture by Giovanni
Conditioner-Silk as Moisture by Giovanni
Leave In- Silk as Moisture by Giovanni
Moisturizer- water, jojoba and extra virgin olive oil
My hair shed like tht for months last fall. My stylist did the Aphogee 2 step protein treatment on me and its like a light switch went off on my scalp. She said tht it rids the scalps abnormalities. Like a reset button to restart hair growth cycle.

And Idk if ur into taking vitamins. But 3,000mcg Biotin has helped me to retain the hair thts been growing in.
i take a multivitamin whenever i remember pretty bad at taken but am about to order some biotin though. and since its been two weeks so far i washed my hair last week and today i might try that aphogee treatment soon and its pretty good amount of shedding i thought when i go natural i wouldnt have shedding problems guess wrong lol