Help! Hair falling out!!!


Please tell me what your action plan would be.

I joined over 2 years ago and begin my journey. I went from neck length to Arm pit legnth during this time. I feel like I know all the right things to do and 1 - havent been doing them and 2 - started a new med that may be contributing to my hair loss.

My questions
where do I start, do I first figure out the type of breakage? Well its long strands, but no bulb on it.

My hair feels really dry too, my scalp too. When I first started tho, I never oiled my scalp.. do you think oiling a scale is necessary.

finally my crown is the most tangled, damaged, dry place on earth.. maybe I need to change my routine.

Typically if i don't iron out my hair (once a week), I co wash, and then pony it under a wig. I dont use too many products. My stables are ORS Moisture lotion, Silk treatment for ?? and Kemi oyl to seal.

I feel like I'm missing something. I need a real slip providing con that I use and even a moisturizing (liquid based) solution.

Do you oil or moisturize your scalp?

Please help me start over and get my hair health back on track!

please recommend an action plan and some products.

relaxed 4b/c
It sounds like your hair is lacking moisture and that's why it is breaking.

How often do you deep condition and moisturize and seal?
Are you natural or relaxed. I agree with doing a moisture DCs. Also try co washing. What are you using as a daily moisturizer?
You should call a pharmacist and make sure that it's not your medication, before you change your reggie and embark on this new journey. Because if it's your meds, changing your regimen is not going to help.
I DC approx. ever 8 days or so... sometimes I'll do it weekly and then some times I"ll got 10 days without putting a cap on and sitting under the dryer.

I'm relaxed with ORS Lye, self relaxer too

I;ve been out of daily moist for a month of so now, haven't gone to pick any up, I would use S-curl as a moisturizer, but since I havent gotten any I've using water and/or ORS Lotion..

What good moisturizing products would you recommend? I live in Denver, so its dry!