Help! Hair coming out in clumps


Well-Known Member
This week while my hair was in ponytail there was an unusual amount of long strands coming out some with white bulbs and some without. Any time I touched it several strands at once would come out. Then I washed hair last night and the clumps were everywhere I touched while trying to wash. Just wanted to get opinion of what I should do next. When I wear hair down it breaks in little pieces. When it is up, it comes out it long pieces. I can't seem to win for losing. When I tried to transition, there were so many single strand knots. Any advice would be appreciated. Here is a pic of the clumps that were coming out at yesterdays wash. This is just a few I happened to catch. Thanks in advance!


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This week while my hair was in ponytail there was an unusual amount of long strands coming out some with white bulbs and some without. Any time I touched it several strands at once would come out. Then I washed hair last night and the clumps were everywhere I touched while trying to wash. Just wanted to get opinion of what I should do next. When I wear hair down it breaks in little pieces. When it is up, it comes out it long pieces. I can't seem to win for losing. When I tried to transition, there were so many single strand knots. Any advice would be appreciated. Here is a pic of the clumps that were coming out at yesterdays wash. This is just a few I happened to catch. Thanks in advance!

When did you relax last? I would wash with a neutralizing poo, use a recnostructor then DC for 30 minutes with heat. Air dry then repeat a few days later minus the reconstructor. until the problem is corrected. hth
When did you relax last? I would wash with a neutralizing poo, use a recnostructor then DC for 30 minutes with heat. Air dry then repeat a few days later minus the reconstructor. until the problem is corrected. hth

I relaxed six weeks ago. I usually stretch for 12 weeks or so. I washed with Giovanni moisturizing poo and made my hair squeaky type clean which I am not too fond of. As I was touching it just coming out! I will try the reconstructor. Thanks!
The ones you would need to really concern over were the strands without the bulb (the breakage). Were those significant enough were one would worry?

My hair tends to shed in a clumpy way too sometimes. I'm religious about checking for those bulbs though and as long as they're present it's just not a concern. The hair on the towel look long...breakage usually isn't that long. I would make sure that this is really a problem before freaking out...if you still think it is, post up your reggie and hair properties.
Go get a health checkup too. Tell your doc hair is coming out. anemia and thyroid causes these problems. I am not saying you have these illnesses, I am saying it is best to check it out especially if it keeps falling.
How long have you been using the Giovanni shampoo? My hair was doing that when I used it, took me a while to figure out that's what it was
Did you do anything different that you hadn't done before?

I know that garlic pills usually helps with shedding. Or you can crush garlic, add olive oil, and leave it in your hair for an hour. No lie, you'll smell like an Italian restaurant LOL but it'll stop the shedding. Here's a recipe you can try

As someone 2 posts up suggested, I think you should see your doctor if this continues. Maybe you're anemic and need some vitamins.
The ones you would need to really concern over were the strands without the bulb (the breakage). Were those significant enough were one would worry?

My hair tends to shed in a clumpy way too sometimes. I'm religious about checking for those bulbs though and as long as they're present it's just not a concern. The hair on the towel look long...breakage usually isn't that long. I would make sure that this is really a problem before freaking out...if you still think it is, post up your reggie and hair properties.

Yes I think more was breakage than shed. When it was air drying was surprised to see I still had hair after the shower. I think it may be breaking at decarmation line the reason they are long. I wish it was just shed hair.
Go get a health checkup too. Tell your doc hair is coming out. anemia and thyroid causes these problems. I am not saying you have these illnesses, I am saying it is best to check it out especially if it keeps falling.

I was thinking maybe I should do that. I am getting older so maybe I need to make sure things are in order :-)
How long have you been using the Giovanni shampoo? My hair was doing that when I used it, took me a while to figure out that's what it was

That was my first time using it in a while. I had been using shampoos with protein lately and since I had the shedding/ breakage coming from pony tail earlier that week I thought I should use something with only moisture. That was one of the shampoos that did not have any protein in the ingredients so I brought it out. But Lordy did not know it would have the squeaky feeling getting wrapped up in my fingers and stuff!!
Did you do anything different that you hadn't done before?

That was the first time using Giovanni moisture poo in a while. I forgot how my hair responded to it before but it must not have been great if i am no longer using it. Now that I am thinking about it maybe it was old! I never thought of Garlic. I never can seem to find a balance with my hair I don't think. I am certainly a stuck at shoulder/apl person. Everything goes batty after that point!
It looks like a detangling issue IMO. It looks like Sheds have wrapped around other hair.

How good are you at detangling? And are you detangling properly. It appears to me, to be a detangling issue (Sheds wrapping around other strands and not being gotton out properly).
You can always get an aphogee treatment to help stop breakage. The one where you have to blow dry the hair for the mixture to get hard.

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It looks like a detangling issue IMO. It looks like Sheds have wrapped around other hair.

How good are you at detangling? And are you detangling properly. It appears to me, to be a detangling issue (Sheds wrapping around other strands and not being gotton out properly).

I think you are right. It stays in the pony tail and I put moisturizer and oil on and never really comb it because its in the ponytail position. Then I wash. I usually wash each week but this time was two weeks due to traveling. Maybe that was too long. I guess I should have detangled prior. And I know all this but not practicing it sigh!!!!!
I think you are right. It stays in the pony tail and I put moisturizer and oil on and never really comb it because its in the ponytail position. Then I wash. I usually wash each week but this time was two weeks due to traveling. Maybe that was too long. I guess I should have detangled prior. And I know all this but not practicing it sigh!!!!!


It definitely looks like a detangling issue.:yep:
It looks like a detangling issue IMO. It looks like Sheds have wrapped around other hair.

How good are you at detangling? And are you detangling properly. It appears to me, to be a detangling issue (Sheds wrapping around other strands and not being gotton out properly).

My thoughts exactly.....

You definitely have to take precautions to remove any/all shed hair.

It will automatically shed itself and wrap around your other strands and cause what appears to be what you've shown.
How many months are you in the transition game?

Try washing in loose braids. I leave the roots very loose (so I can get fingers in there) and tighten up on the length of the braid. This will take you some 20 plus minutes maybe but you'll get that time back and maybe some more when detangling. The hair is also stronger when grouped together, think of how weak a toothpick (or a spaghetti stick) is v.s a group of them. It makes a difference.
How many months are you in the transition game?

I am no longer transitioning. I tried last year for nine months then I started having single strands all over the place, once again in the shower all over the place. I threw in towel at beginning of the year :-(. Maybe I need to stop washing in the shower because those hairs hitting my body really get me stressed out lol!
Go get a health checkup too. Tell your doc hair is coming out. anemia and thyroid causes these problems. I am not saying you have these illnesses, I am saying it is best to check it out especially if it keeps falling.

ITA @ the getting a check up suggestion...I'm anemic and when it wasn't under control, I had A HUGE setback. Massive, excessive shedding that resulted in major thinning. Luckily my hair was very thick to begin with so I was able to camouflage the thinness with braid outs.

Anyway I was put on iron pills and today my hair is thriving...minimal shedding.
I think you are right. It stays in the pony tail and I put moisturizer and oil on and never really comb it because its in the ponytail position. Then I wash. I usually wash each week but this time was two weeks due to traveling. Maybe that was too long. I guess I should have detangled prior. And I know all this but not practicing it sigh!!!!!

My hair does not like being stuck in the same position for more than a couple of days. If I pony or bun without either changing the position or combing through when I take it down I lose clumps. The guy who cuts my hair can tell when I've been wearing a pony for any amount of time. I lose the hair in the center of the pony.