Help, hair breaking in back


Well-Known Member
When I took progress pictures for my hair length I was appalled to see that along the back I have breakage right in the middle of the back. This has never happened to me before, and I'm not sure what has caused it. My ends, that I can see from the front, are fine, but the back is very uneven now. To even it out, I'm going to have to cut off at least 4 inches.

I have a strange hairline along my neck, it goes up in a bit of a "V." I wonder it that could be part of the problem? Any suggestions? Anyone else with this problem?
At night I always put my hair up. During the day I may wear it in a pony tail or down, I usually will only wear it down for part of the day, otherwise I have to deal with detangling at the end of the day.

My hair is natural, I flat iron every 2 or 3 weeks, wearing it natural between.
At night I always put my hair up. During the day I may wear it in a pony tail or down, I usually will only wear it down for part of the day, otherwise I have to deal with detangling at the end of the day.

My hair is natural, I flat iron every 2 or 3 weeks, wearing it natural between.
If you're flat ironing please tell me you're using a protective spray.
I use Sabino's Moisture Block. I've always used something to protect from the heat.

Every 2 weeks I deep conditon with Aveda's Damage Remedy line. What's weird is that my ends, that I can see from the front, look great. It was only we I saw that back that I could see that it had broken off.
Maybe you could try to increase your DC's to once per week.

Is the Aveda that you're using Protein or Moisture?
I alternate with both of their Damage Remedy conditioners.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's how I detangle. When its hot my neck can sweat. So if I have my hair in a ponytail, that hair along the center is more prone to getting wet and curling up again, which is going to make it frizz so when I detangle, I'm probably breaking it off. Damm!
Can you get your hair in a layered style so that you won't have to cut off so many inches? I'm so sorry to hear about your hair.
I guess I just have to tell myself it could be worse. I could do layers, but I just like keeping it all one length for now.

Thanks for all your suggestions, Ladies, you guys are great!
Your ponytail could be doing you in. Friction from your ponytail rubbing against your clothes can cause breakage; I know I have to be especially careful about that during cooler weather when I'm wearing wool/wool blend sweaters or jackets.