HELP: Got my natural hair high-lighted and it's not the same !!!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I need your help. I recently got my natural hair high-lighted. While I love the new color, I must say that my hair has changed. It seems more wirey than usual. Detangling is sooo frustrating and I’m losing more hair than I’m used to.

I deep conditioned with Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Conditioner for about 45 mins under a heat cap and that didn’t do much for my hair. I did an ACV rinse and that helped, but my hair isn’t what it used to be.:nono:

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to change my regimen? PLEASE HELP.

P.S I tried to do a search on the Forum, but the new search option doesn’t provide me relevant
I think you're probably going to have to up your moisture since you've colored.
That's what happened to me at least. I'm sure more folks will chime in.
Welcome :)
According to naturals who got part of their hair permanently colored (Nikkimae and BlackMasterPiece), they said they had to definitely up the moisture factor, since the colored hair would be more susceptible to dryness and breakage. BMP also mentioned doing protein treatments more frequently. I can see why since coloring will force your cuticles to open, so it'll be generally weaker and prone to those things mentioned, than it was before. You just have to baby them a bit more. If your hair isn't feeling soft after almost an hour of DCing, then you might want to try DCing overnight. Maybe you need to moisturize a bit more frequently during the week. But more importantly, "listen" to your hair and make the appropriate judgment calls. Good luck! :)
It sounds like your cuticles are still lifted (which needs to happen after dying hair).

When I dyed my hair few years ago I rinsed my hair and then applied an apple cidar vinegar rinse. I put a bowl in the tub and dumped it over my head 5x's, by the 5th time my hair was soft again.

I did a deep conditioner after that. 2 days days later I did another deep conditoner and then a week later I did another one. By that time my hair was back to its old self again.
Also during this time keep your hair in a protective style, low maintanance and little to no combing until your hair is back to normal. I did not do the protective styling because my hair was short, but I did not comb during this time; unless I was in the shower after detangling.

Most of what I am telling you I found on this video on YT, you dont have to use the same products. Start at 3:42
YouTube - To Color or Not to Color (Your Natural Hair)

The apple cidar vinger rinse was something I found somewhere else, I cant remember where. The ratio should be 2 T ACV and 22 oz water.

Good luck!!!
:hiya: I know that I have definitely had to increase my protein and moisture. I'm not sure what color you are, but if you are anywhere near me and triple processed...serious Apoghee 2-Step treatments are in order (don't overdo them, but definitely start doing them). I have also increased my oil usage (EVOO and Coconut Oil are my staples and I just ordered Jojoba Oil). I also steam once a week with a deep conditioner and this has been very helpful as well.
Thanks!!! Will check out the video. What products are you using and how often. Looks like I need a new regimen for my new hair :-)
The only thing that helped me was Roux Porosity Control. It's meant to help restore the hair's pH and close the cuticle after a chemical process. Good luck!
Thanks Janet. My hair is as light as yours. What products are you using and how often?

Nice! I would love to see a pic! My newly modified regimen is as follows:

Wash weekly with WEN Cleansing Conditioner- I would beware of heavy sulfate shampoos because the color makes your hair more fragile, so you may want to try a milder shampoo (if you shampoo at all)

Deep Conditioner- once a week via Steam treatment- I add my own EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and Coconut Oil to my Mixed Chick's Deep Conditioner

Every 6 to 8 weeks (depending on the necessity)- Apoghee 2 Step Protein Treatment

Low manipulation styles such as flat twists, twistouts, rollersets, and for me Wash and Go's

I hope this helps! Feel free to check out my fotki for more details and pics...
Try Elasta QP Intense and Kenra Moisterizing Conditioner. I have highlights now and these two are a wonderful. :-)