Help!!! Going to a natural hair stylists today.


Well-Known Member
I should've asked this yesterday. ^^;; This is what I get for waiting till the last minute.

I finally decided to let go of my braids. after a very long time. and go as natural. My hair is short.. And on friday I went to the salon..
Friday I was in the salon...getting osme products for my hair. I met this woman whose hair looked very beutiful. Beautiful springly coils thats was dyed in the end. I asked her if she was a natural. Long story short...She was a natural hair stylists. I thought it was a sign. *laughs softly*

She directed me where the shops she works at which was around the corner. So I went in..They did a consultation. They said they'll be doing another one when I come in on sunday....

They told me they charge 30 bucks per hour. When I told my mom...She gave me a scowl.

._. She thinks Im going to get ripped off. And I'm a total newb when it comes down to hair care. So I want to give it a shot.

The place Im going to in new york is called Locks ' N Chops
What are you getting done? If its a wash n go, you maybe able to do it yourself with the right products...

I'm going to get twists done with my natural hair.
I never did my own hair before. It was always in braids. This is the first time I've decided to wear my hair out. As a natural.
I'm going to get twists done with my natural hair.
I never did my own hair before. It was always in braids. This is the first time I've decided to wear my hair out. As a natural.

Well, it's good to go to a professional to get started. I would make sure to ask them a lot of questions on what they are using, try to see how they do your hair, and ask about maintenance.
For $30 per hour, that's not bad if you have short hair. They might be able to get you in and out in under 2 hrs! I wouldn't make it a habit to do that though, b/c it can get expensive. I would just make sure that you know when the time starts & ends before hand, that way there's no suprises. Make sure they give you a good deep condition before they get started. Some places will do a dc tx then, blow dry and start twisting. I don't care to have my hair blowdried, so when they talk that, I leave. They don't have to do that to twist. Sometimes, they use grease or heavy gels which I don't like, so I have learned to bring my own stuff if needed. I hope you like the style, you should post pics before and after for us!!! :grin: Good luck!

You can use this site for tips as well as . On np, you can lurk, and check out natural styles, go into the transitioners room and see what they are doing, check out others albums, look in the products area to get ideas on what stuff to use. You can searh here and on for tips on proper combing/brushing, twisting other product ideas ect. Congrats on deciding to wear your natural hair out. That's a REALLY big step. Now remember there's a lot for you to learn,and you WILL get frustrated at times but try to learn about your hair, what it likes, what it doesn't like. Try to learn and deal with the "shrinkage", banding, stretching, what heat improperly used can do, moisture/protein balance there's so much. Good luck to you. You can always look round here b/c there's lots of info too!!! Hth.