Help: Getting hair colored this week :)

Ms. Martina

Well-Known Member
I am finally going to get my hair colored this week. I have two consultations with different colorists at two Aveda salons in town. My first consult is Tuesday, and my 2nd one is Wednesday. After I go to the 2nd consult, I will narrow it down and choose the colorist who I think will do the best job. And then I will be going in for my color on Thursday....yay! I am super excited, yet nervous. I am likely going to get it dyed this color.


And if the lady advises against the blonde tones, I might go red like this.



I prefer the brown/blonde color though, so I am hoping she can acheive that look in a healthy way (fingers crossed).


1.) Should I deep condition daily this week?
2.) Should I do a protein treatment before going?
3.) Also, what do I need to do immediately after getting it dyed?

4.) Have any of you had your hair colored without the colorist doing a strand test first? One of the ladies said she wouldn't need to do one first. She just needs to look at my hair and see what it is like... She's an Aveda certified master colorist who has been doing hair for over 25 years, and is the "hottest" colorist in town, so everyone loves her work. She does most of the magazines in town and etc. I haven't seen any bad reviews on her, but the whole no strand test thing kinda made me nervous. I am not sure if the 2nd consult lady will do a strand test either. I didn't speak to her when I booked. I booked with the secretary.
I've had Aveda Color in the past. I loved it! My stylist made a refresh conditioner for me that enhanced my color. So you may want ask about that. I had no problems with the color, only some increased dryness. My hair tends to get dry when I color it. During that time I started getting Steam treatments. That was a life saver. I would get them at the salon when I went for my color retouch. Oh and I would request a strand test. HTH
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I'm thinking about dying my hair auburn. I'm getting tired of my black hair.

I loooooooove this color!


Please update with pictures when you've done your hair. Good luck!
My hair color is closer to the second picture in color and I really like it. I went with alternating the red and kept the red and black only on the top layer of my hair because the Aveda colorist had to bleach those strips several shades lighter than my off black natural hair color.

Let me back up a bit, I wanted to get the color all over without lightening my hair with bleach, but it did not show up as any kind of red unless you saw it in the sun or a really bright light.

I left the place my hair was still wet and air drying into curls, it still looked like the red was going to show until I got home it was 90% dry and my hair just looked black. The one CON I wanted was that all of the gray was covered but it just looked black in regular lighting. The second was that my hair still felt soft and the curl pattern remained the same but I DC'd with protein and moisture on the second day anyway.

I went back three days later he looked at my hair and told me it had to be bleached so the color could be lifted. At this consultation we decided to only do the top layer of my hair in alternating strips because this part of my hair holds moisture better and the curls are looser than the lower sides and just below the crown in the back, it would show up black then red, I also wanted to see how this color would treat my hair, would it loose my curl pattern on the top or make my hair dryer.

I did this in June this year the only thing is that the color is fading a little, and the gray is starting to show in my middle part again.

I did both a protein and moisturizing DC two days before air dried in braids and flat-ironed cuz he had never done curly hair(black woman) before.

I still alternate every other week with protein DC, and moisturize everyday especially the ends.

pictures are from last month (aug)


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I really want to color my hair, but when I went for a consultation I was told she would need to bleach my hair because of henna to get to the color I want. I decided to wait for a while, but I will definitely color my hair at some point in the near future.
My hair color is closer to the second picture in color and I really like it. I went with alternating the red and kept the red and black only on the top layer of my hair because the Aveda colorist had to bleach those strips several shades lighter than my off black natural hair color.

Let me back up a bit, I wanted to get the color all over without lightening my hair with bleach, but it did not show up as any kind of red unless you saw it in the sun or a really bright light.

I left the place my hair was still wet and air drying into curls, it still looked like the red was going to show until I got home it was 90% dry and my hair just looked black. The one CON I wanted was that all of the gray was covered but it just looked black in regular lighting. The second was that my hair still felt soft and the curl pattern remained the same but I DC'd with protein and moisture on the second day anyway.

I went back three days later he looked at my hair and told me it had to be bleached so the color could be lifted. At this consultation we decided to only do the top layer of my hair in alternating strips because this part of my hair holds moisture better and the curls are looser than the lower sides and just below the crown in the back, it would show up black then red, I also wanted to see how this color would treat my hair, would it loose my curl pattern on the top or make my hair dryer.

I did this in June this year the only thing is that the color is fading a little, and the gray is starting to show in my middle part again.

I did both a protein and moisturizing DC two days before air dried in braids and flat-ironed cuz he had never done curly hair(black woman) before.

I still alternate every other week with protein DC, and moisturize everyday especially the ends.

pictures are from last month (aug)

That looks pretty! Did your colorist do a strand test? Did the bleach end up loosening your curls?
You know I should have had a strand test done but I didn't even think of it, this was the third time I got my hair colored there and I got complacent, not cool I know, but lucky for me I had good results also my curl pattern has not changed.

I got it colored twice within two weeks, first time my color didn't lift at all second time it did after bleaching. If I had got a color test they would have known that my hair was too dark to lift. Also now that I think about it, the day I went in to show him my hair he did do a test strip of hair, bleached and colored it to see if it would take, it came out really good, I did it this process backwards. :blush:

I think it is a good ideal to do a color test, I will make sure on my next touchup to get a color test. You are doing it the right way get a strand test done first. Lesson learned don't skip steps. I hope you will have great results.
Well, the first consult was bad. She was nice, but seemed like she didn't know how to handle my hair and kept making borderline offensive comments. For example...she kept talking about how she probably couldn't get a comb through my hair to do the foils. She referred to my hair as ” that.” And then told me I need a dark hair color (you know, bc black ppl can't have light hair...gag. Not exactly her words, but that'd what she was getting at.) Do she was truong too give me a color I didn't want, and have me leave out of there without highlights, all while exaggerating about how ”difficult” my hair would be to work with. She exec asked of I could flat iron my hair before hand bc that would be the only easy she could put streaks in. I said no! Needless to say, I won't be using her. I have another consult today with a colorist who has curly hair. Hopefully she will actually know what she's doing.
Ms. Martina I ended up straightening my hair for the first appointment with this new colorist (white guy) who tried to dye my hair dark red without lifting the color first. I did ask for a master colorist but he had never colored my type of hair so I straightened because he was scared and so was I.

After the failed dye job I went back the second time so he could see it, I told him I would not straightened it a second time so soon but I would stretch it with braids. So that's how I showed up the third time with hair in 8 big braids he had no problem using a rat tail comb to separate my hair and applied the color after bleaching to lift the color. Remember mine was only applied on the top layer. I was satisfied with the results.

This was like the third time in three years I went to this Aveda salon to get my hair colored. My previous colorist left to go to another job, but he knew me and my hair standards, this would not have happened with him (he was also a white guy but had experience working with black women hair).