HELP!!!!Frizzy Crazy Hair


Well-Known Member
VENT: I just got a relaxer on the 10th of this month. My hair already is looking crazy. It is frizzy and won't lay down when I try to put it into a bun. It doesn't even look like I had a relaxer only a week and a half ago. I don't know what is going on. I am really worried about my ends. They don't seem as even as they use to be and when my hair sheds the entire hair shaft looks kinky?? I don't know if my relaxer didn't take because of the three month stretch or if this MTG/MN is causing my hair to grow or revert. I am totally confused. This is the best I have ever treated my hair. I think it may be that I tried to do the baggie method and my hair did not like it at all.

Somebody please HELP!!!!

I wash 2 times/week and Deep condition twice a week for 30-60 minutes
moisturize with UBH moisturizer and African Royale Braid Spray daily. Apply MN/MTG to the scalp nightly.

The only new things that I have tried was the baggie method, and adding Flax seed oil to my conditioner. I will try to eliminate these two from the regime and see what happens.
When I was relaxed, MTG made my hair revert really quickly. Perhaps the same thing is happening to you. I hope you find the answers you seek.