Help for Newbie


New Member
I am a new to LHCF. I have been reading this thread for the last week and I now I think I am ready to get serious about my hair care. I've gotten a lot of great tips and ideas that I want to try, but the one thing I would like to incorporate into my regimen right away is Jamaican Black castor oil. The problem is I don't know where to find it. I've read a lot of posts suggesting places, but all of the links either don't work or the online stores are "temporary closed". I would appreciate anyone's help with a local (Chicago) or online store to purchase this from. If anyone has some to sell, I can send payment ASAP. (paypal or whatever works best for you)

Also, I am trying to develop my regimen so any recommendations from people with my hair type would be greatly appreciated. Based on what I read here, I am a Natural 3b, with 3c at the crown. My hair is silky and fine (thin). Right now I am about 2" below shoulder length and would absolutely love to get to bra strap.
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…OK, I posted this a day ago but it didn't post until the next day because I had a problem completing my registration. Hopefully this will bump it up so I can get some repsonses. Thanks :look:
Hi and Welcome to LHCF! :grin: I am originally from Chicago!

Bumping for more responses! I want to know where you can purchase it too!
Welcome Nicky! What are the benefits of Jamaican Castor Oil? I'm Jamaican and never knew we had a special formula!!!
I'll be following along to see where it can be purchased as well.
Well from what I have read here, its seem to increase hair growth and thickness. (two things I need). Alot of people use regular castor oil (the clear stuff), but the Jamaican or Haitian formula is supposed to be darker in color and smells bad. It's more potent which hopefully equals better results.
Welcome to the board.....nice to have you here, Newbie. Do a search under the Search feature and you should bring up several threads...under those products. HTH Bonjour
Hi, there, I don't know about the castor oil you're talking about but let me tell ya my clear kind is certainly organic-y nutty smelling. Not super strong scented but it really lingers. Your might want to mix it with a lighter oil to lighten it up for spreadability and keeping your hair from sticking.... But thats just my opinion, experiment for yourself a little and have fun. You'll feel great when you find out what makes your hair thrive even more, bye for now and have fun on your journey, you can do it! I'm on my way too.