Help for my daughters hair!


Well-Known Member
My daughter has long beautiful hair but It breaks in little pieces EVERY time you brush or comb it! I have applied CPR and heat to her hair and conditioner. I don't know what to do! HELP!
You need to give more info so that we will know what's going on. Is she relaxed or natural? What's her reggie? When did this breakage start?
^Exactly. How often are you deep conditioning? What products is she using? How does she wear her hair normally?
She is relaxed with Olive Oil relaxer. It has been an on going problem. I deep condition every three weeks. I use the Liv cream to oil her scalp. When I massage it through sometimes her hair is left feeling hard.
syze6 Up that deep conditioning to weekly sessions, alternating moisture and protein, and have her wear a bun during the week.