Help! FHI ceramic from Ebay


I just received my FHI Ceramic flat iron in the mail from ebay. But it just seems a little shady to me. Its suppose to be brand new but i saw a liil chip on the side and the plastic isnt like shiny plastic its kind of unpolished black and grey. Not to mention the plates are yellow but the instructions have pictures of an iron with red plates.

Has anyone else bought an FHI YVI Ceramic Iron 1 inch from ebay from a seller called smartdeals. It cost me around $50 , but $62 all together and its temps go from 140-450.

Am I trippin?... should I return the product? They have a 30 day money back guarantee.

Help please...and if anyone has the model iron let me know how it works for you please.

Girl I have seen them and I think they are pretty reputable. Id email them the complaint and Im sure that they would refund or replace your item.
I think thats what I might do, but im so mad that I paid the high price of shipping and handling already. Im going to try to get them to refund me completely since the product they shipped me was damaged.

Do you all think I have a chance?
I suggust that you let the seller know that you are totally unsatisfied with the product, the reasons why, and that you expect a full refund including the shipping because the product was not as she has described. Let the seller know that you will also post negative feedback on ebay so that other buyers will be aware that she sells fradulent products. I expect that you will have no problems with the refund. Contact me if you have any additonal questions. Also make sure that when u send product back to seller that you send via insured mail in case it is lost/ damaged during delivery.
I think the yellow plates might be the older model.. check and see.. I got my FHI in March and I have the red plates.. I have the 270 or the 207 one..I can't remember the correct model number..but it's the 1 inch one..