Help? Dry section of hair.


New Member
My nape area is so much drier than the rest of my hair.
Well really, the rest of my hair has a good moisture level but the nape is dry.
I've been moisturising and sealing more than usual but that hasn't helped.
What do I do?
Just keep moisturising and sealing that bit more?
And why do you think this part is dryer?
What are you using for moisture? When I was using glycerin/water to moisturize my hair it eventually dried my nape out. It seemed like nothing could get it back until I used Mill Creek. I even DCed and nothing.
What are you using for moisture? When I was using glycerin/water to moisturize my hair it eventually dried my nape out. It seemed like nothing could get it back until I used Mill Creek. I even DCed and nothing.

Redken All Soft Velvet Whip, then sealing with olive oil.
I've been using it for about 4 months.
I didn't even think that could be the problem. |:
I have the exact same problem with my nape. It absolutely will not retain any moisture. I'm looking forward to the replies.
That has been one problem that I have always had. This year, I have finally got it under control. When I use any conditioner, I usually add an extra bit of a good moisturizing conditioner to my nape and front edges and ends. I put a little more of my moisturizing leave in on my nape, also. In addition, I will use a different moisturizer on my nape, and more often. I tend to use Qhemet Heavy Cream or Essential Balms Shea Hair & Scalp butter with Jojoba. This has done the trick for me. :yep:
My nape and whole hairline is drier than the rest. It is also a different "type" too. 4b all around. Is your hair the same type at your nape as the rest of your hair?
I had the same problem for years. I used s-curl, Carol's Daughter Some of Maugerite's Magic, and either olive oil or CD's Hair Balm. It was a whole lot of product, I'd do this at night, my nape would be white from the product, by morning it was:lick:. I did this for maybe 3-6 months, I can't remember for sure. I don't need that much or that heavy of a product anymore, my nape finally improved greatly. It is still dry, but nowhere near as dry as it used to be. I also went natural--that really helped too. For me I think it was the layering that made the difference and the type of products: a wet/watery product, a thick, creamy product, and a heavy oil.
My nape and whole hairline is drier than the rest. It is also a different "type" too. 4b all around. Is your hair the same type at your nape as the rest of your hair?

I'm pretty sure it's the same type everywhere.
It's actually hard to tell at the moment because when my hair is short like it is at the moment it usually stay fairly straight (type 1), but when it was longer it was wavy and curly in parts (type 2 and 3).
That probably sounds weird because I don't know if anyone else hair is like that. :ohwell:
But anyway, I'm pretty sure it's just all the same.