Help! Dry, matted, tangled hair...about to cut it off:(


New Member
So I relaxed my hair yesterday evening, afterwards there was NO comb to be found, at all. I'm talking not a single comb or brush in my whole entire house:censored: ! Guess they all ran away?? It was already too late to go to the store to buy one (I'm in a small village in Germany at the moment), so I put a whole bunch of Aussie Moist into my hair, blow dried it a little (first time in 6 months) so my head wasn't freezing all night, and tied it down with a scarf.

This morning when I woke up my hair was a DRY, TANGLED, Matted mess, almost like dreads in some places. My scarf also came off some time in the night:perplexed I've been slowly combing some of it out, but I'm losing waaaay to much hair in the process. I need help, should i re-wet it and comb it, or use a certain conditioner or what? I'm THIS close to cutting off my hair!

My hair was already pretty dry to begin with so that probably contributed to it. Other than that my hair is pretty healthy, I did a big chop 2 years ago and haven't used heat since (except maybe to blow dry a handful of times), my hair is prob BSL when straightened(why I'd hate to cut it!!), and I only relax it every 4-5 months. Other than that I don't do anything else to it at all, I tried to "take care of it" and started a regiment in the summer, but was too lazy to stick with it:(

Help me please!!!
You should definitely re-wet your hair as well as toss in some conditioner and comb in the shower. You just relaxed which should make it easier to detangle. The attempt to comb dry is what probably messed you up.
So I relaxed my hair yesterday evening, afterwards there was NO comb to be found, at all. I'm talking not a single comb or brush in my whole entire house:censored: ! Guess they all ran away?? It was already too late to go to the store to buy one (I'm in a small village in Germany at the moment), so I put a whole bunch of Aussie Moist into my hair, blow dried it a little (first time in 6 months) so my head wasn't freezing all night, and tied it down with a scarf.

This morning when I woke up my hair was a DRY, TANGLED, Matted mess, almost like dreads in some places. My scarf also came off some time in the night:perplexed I've been slowly combing some of it out, but I'm losing waaaay to much hair in the process. I need help, should i re-wet it and comb it, or use a certain conditioner or what? I'm THIS close to cutting off my hair!

My hair was already pretty dry to begin with so that probably contributed to it. Other than that my hair is pretty healthy, I did a big chop 2 years ago and haven't used heat since (except maybe to blow dry a handful of times), my hair is prob BSL when straightened(why I'd hate to cut it!!), and I only relax it every 4-5 months. Other than that I don't do anything else to it at all, I tried to "take care of it" and started a regiment in the summer, but was too lazy to stick with it:(

Dont cut it off. The same thing just happend to me. I put in a relaxer after a weave and did not comb. I conditioned for 5 days and put oil on it. Yesterday I was able to pull apart the dreads with my fingers--I lost a little hair but I did not have to cut it. Oh and I wore it in a bun to work while I had all that product in it.
In the future OP you should only relax healthy hair. If your hair was dry to begin with, you should have nursed it back to health rather than relax it.
Did you Deep Condition after you relaxed or did you just apply the conditioner and start blow drying? I think you should DC with something very moisturizing with heat and limit the amount of direct heat you use for a while since that will only dry your hair out more.
No need to cut. I get dreads all the time because I wash my hair multiple times a week without combing, detangling, or conditioning.

It's going to take hours (probably days since it's your first time) to get everything unmatted.

here's the steps i use.
1. get clips to separate areas.
2. start with 1 dread/matted section. If you can't get it to completely separate then get it in the most separate section possble and begin
3. spray detangler on the section & let it get about halfway dry. Your don't want to manipulate it in it's most wet state
4. using fingers only ( i don't use a comb at all during this process) work below and above the mattted section to free strands of hair. continue until they are all out
5. spray detangler over entire head then using a wide tooth comb go through entire head
6. re wash & condition

ETA: the first time this happened to me, I was horrified. I think I almost cried because I thought I would have to cut my hair. Just be patient and detangle it. Your hair will be fine afterwards. Good luck!
re wet your hair, add conditioner, separate your hair into sections and separate as much as u can with ur fingers, then comb out what you cant. Remember to start at the bottom and slowly work ur way up.

It will definately take you hours, but be patient. Take a break, eat something :) then go back to it.

Scissors is never the answer until u detangle as much as you can without them. So dont touch those scissors.