Help. Dreams about your worst fear happening over & over. Worst fear for a loved one.


New Member
I really need help, i just cant take it anymore. What can you do about this?
For about 4 years i've been praying & hoping that a problem that seems to run in the family would not affect my younger cousin (8 years old) because i saw signs of it. The problem hurts me so much that i dont even want to mention what it is--i hope anyone who reads understands. I'm always looking for it in him---like signs that he's interested ect., and i try extra hard to protect him from images and mentionings of it on t.v., the radio ect.

I pray that it doesnt happen, and i ask that God take care of it and guide my little cousin, and i try to just have faith that He will, and forget about it. But im so scared, because i've seen what it does to other people and lots of people in my family, that i pray about it all the time, and im still trying to protect him (and i dont think you should NOT protect children from bad things, when they are young anyway, so i know its not completly trying to keep him away from something that may naturally take course) and i always hope it doesnt happen, not a day goes by that i dont think about it at least 2x, but he such an open spirit, and he often jokes about it and asks questions about it, and lots of times is interested in stuff that has images and talks about this problem in it.

And then i always have dreams that it happens, but this morning was the worst, in my dream i was crying, and i woke up this morning crying which has never happaned, but i was/am just so sad about it. And in my dreams, its always like i cant grab him, or i cant get the point across to him, or i cant talk, or hes not listening.....its just horrible.

So this is what im asking, and what i need help with.

Is a mother/sister (or any close sibling, because i consider and feel more than a cousin) praying for their/a child enough to keep a sin away from them that seems to be in the family?
If not, what else can you do?

Should i be able to pray one time, and completly give it all to God, or should i pray once about it daily?

How can i really just give it all to God and forget about it, when im still trying to keep it out of the house and protect the child from it?

Why are these dreams coming to me all of the time, how can they be stopped?

Thanks in advance yall, i need all the advice anyone wants to give. I really love this child like my own, so i hope no-one thinks this sounds crazy, its not something that i think about all day long like an obseesed person, just once or twice a day, and i just watch out for this and anything with him, but when i have dreams about it, it just sits heavy on my heart for a while and it just made me want to bring it all out.
Re: Help. Dreams about your worst fear happening over & over. Worst fear for a loved


God bless you fluffylocks for caring so much for your cousin. Let me try and answer some of your questions.

Is a mother/sister (or any close sibling, because i consider and feel more than a cousin) praying for their/a child enough to keep a sin away from them that seems to be in the family?
If not, what else can you do?

You can never have 'enough' prayer. The more people praying into a situation the better. But remember one person can chase many demons away! So it isn't so much the quantity but the quality of our prayers that move God's hand.

Should i be able to pray one time, and completly give it all to God, or should i pray once about it daily?

Goes as you are led - do as your heart tells you. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Whichever way, God is hearing you.

How can i really just give it all to God and forget about it, when im still trying to keep it out of the house and protect the child from it?

There's your problem right there. YOU are looking at it as if YOU are protecting your cousin by praying. You can't protect him, you can only stand in the gap and petition the Lord to protect him. He is waaaaaay more able to look after your cousin than you. Which leads me to your finally question:

Why are these dreams coming to me all of the time, how can they be stopped?

You can't stop them. You are also anxious about the situation which will affect your sub-concious. You have to give it all to the Lord and then rest in Him. When the dreams come, rebuke them when you wake up, and thank God that He is able to stop them from coming to pass. AND EVEN IF THEY DO you thank Him that whatever the Devil means for harm He will turn it around for good. Trust in Him. Rest in Him. He is able. I wish you peace sis. Sending up a prayer for you :rosebud:
Re: Help. Dreams about your worst fear happening over & over. Worst fear for a loved

The dreams come to you all the time because it is an issue that really bothers you. We tend to dream about things that weigh heavily on our minds or issues that we are afraid of or haven't dealt with.

Pray and try and lead this boy in the Lord. Perhaps you need to start talking to him about it. Sometimes even subtly and as is appropriate for his age. There are plenty of Christian resources for these things nowadays. PM if you are comfortable talking about what it is and I'll suggest some to you. I have an idea but I'm not sure if I have it right.
Re: Help. Dreams about your worst fear happening over & over. Worst fear for a loved

Fluffy Locks it is hard when you love a person and cannot keep them from doing that which is harmful to themselves....

There is something you can do. Pray for repentance, pray for protection and grace. Intercessory prayer can keep something at bay.

Have the prayer warriors pray for your cousin every day.

Speak to him again, let him know how much you love him, but pray that God gives you the words to speak, not your own.

Sometimes you have to let it go, baby. Sometimes after you have done all you can do, you have to know nobody will love them like God, and put it in His hands...not My will but THy will. The Master knows those who love Him.
Re: Help. Dreams about your worst fear happening over & over. Worst fear for a loved

every dream isnt of God, sometimes the devil uses fear as a weapon to hold you and keep you trapper. God has given you victory in the name of Jesus to go out and speak His word of protection over your cousin's life, to bring Him to the Lord, and trust Him to keep him safe.
Re: Help. Dreams about your worst fear happening over & over. Worst fear for a loved

every dream isnt of God, sometimes the devil uses fear as a weapon to hold you and keep you trapper. God has given you victory in the name of Jesus to go out and speak His word of protection over your cousin's life, to bring Him to the Lord, and trust Him to keep him safe.
