HELP.......Does anyone do this?


New Member
I am about 9 weeks post relaxer and I have major issues. My new growth is starting to knot almost like a dread after not combing for a week and it is very hard to comb out and I am getting a lot of breakage and and some shedding. What I wanted to know is does anyone comb there hair more than once a week? It seems to help me when I comb more than once a week and I have a lot less breakage and shedding. I know you should not comb your hair but once a week to retain length but I don't know what to do any more about my hair. I am hoping to get to a 12 week stretch but I am very frustrated right now with this hair of mine? Any help suggestions will be greatly appreciated by the way my hair type is about a 3 something and thin. TIA
You can still retain your length by combing everyday. Even if its once or twice a day, you should be fine. I know there are some ladies here who comb once a wk and they do fine, but remember everyone's hair is different. Do what works for YOU. Especially since its doing more harm than good.:)

BTW, I comb twice a day. If not, there will be smoke in the city for me!:lol:
I agree with Shunta. Do what's right for YOUR hair. I comb twice a day with a shower comb that I got with Walgreens. Some people can't go without combing their hair, and I'm living proof :) Even though I comb daily, my hair has never been stronger or healthier than it is now. HTH!
I agree with the previous ladies, not everyone can get away with not combing. I know I have to comb my hair everyday and to be honest I never really understood how not combing retained length. Shedding occurs naturally so combing once a week would still result in the same amount of shedded hairs, unless your hair is damaged and is BREAKING off, in which case not combing won't correct whatever problem is causing the breakage. Thast just my opinion.

If you need to comb your hair more often to prevent breakage then do it. Nothing on this forum is a hard rule that must be followed by everyone, it's all just experiementation.
OT: CandiceC, your progress is amazing, your hair is SO beautiful! I wanted to join the Trim Until It's Even Challenge, but I'm a chicken. Hehe :)
Thanks everyone for the responses. I am going to go back to what works for me. Hopefully it won't take me very long to correct some of the damage I have already caused to my poor little strands.