HELP!!! Can you henna colored hair?!!


Active Member
I am 100% natural and I permanently colored my hair (See picture) in May 2013. I think I got the front touched up about a year ago. The color has grown out quite a bit (about 1/2 way).

I was planning on using cassia tonight but guess what?!!! I don't have any! I do have Henna and Indigo though. I used to "hendigo" before I got the color and didn't have any issues but now I'm wondering what would happen if i did it now with the color in my hair.

Any ideas?!!:look:


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You can henna over colored hair but I'm not sure what color your hair will turn. In 2012 I bleached my hair orange/blonde and died it blue/black after I was tired of the color. The blue/black eventually washed out and left my hair grey. I did a henna over that and it looked like a light/medium reddish-brown color.

Maybe you should do a patch test or wait until you get more cassia if you're still like your current color.
I had the same hi lites you have and I hennaed over them. I took about 4 applications before the henna darkened the blond and light brown to a nice dark (looked brown/black) red. The first application the blond and light brown hi lites turned red. Didn't bother me because I liked it.

You can henna over color, but not color over henna, so be sure you want to do it.

ETA: I wouldn't do the indigo until you've done several henna treatments and yor hair has darkened significantly. If the red isn't dark enough, you could end up with purple hair.
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