Help! Can someone please tell me what hair type I am?

Hey T_shea!

I think that YOU would be the only one who can truly determine what your hair type is b/c we would only be basing it on several pics...

that being said...I would say you are in the 3 range, either 3b or 3c but I could be totally wrong :spinning:

Check out this link regarding hair types w/ pictures for reference..the pics of your hair remind me of the pic of Joan from Girlfriends on this link! I don't think this link is the best descriptor for hair types but it's a start....
Your hair is beautiful and a gorgeous color. Most of the pics your hair is slicked down in a pony, blow-dried or flat-ironed. Need to see a pic with it freshly washed, detangled, very little leave-in. I'm guessing you are a 3c or a 4a/b though.
I love your hair color! What is it?

It's hard to tell your texture because it's pulled back maybe you cud post some pics of a wash n go?
I hate to be annoying, but I am too indecisive & I don't know enough about the types to determine myself.
Your hair looks great!

I feel that the bleach has altered the texture of your hair some. It looks lightly relaxed - not saying you actually put relaxer in it, but the bleach can have that affect.

I looked at all your pics carefully from both albums and it looks to me that you are primarily 4a with 3c... possibly some 4b in there too. Similar to my texture :yep:

You are definitely not a 3b or anything higher imo.

I thought mostly 3c too at first, but this pic and similar pics made me think otherwise:


That looks really 4aish to me. You have a lot of both 3 and 4 type hair... interesting :yep:
I thought mostly 3c too at first, but this pic and similar pics made me think otherwise:


That looks really 4aish to me. You have a lot of both 3 and 4 type hair... interesting :yep:

I agree that the look is very different depending on what's been done to the hair. I have similar hair (mixed textures and generally on the tighter end of 3c) It seems tighter than it is once the curl pattern has been disturbed. It came down more on the 3c side because the curl seems very defined before being combed out and somewhat looser than the pen spring or coffee stirrer circumference that I look at as 4a. All the types represent a range and they do blend together. It is definitely more art than science :drunk:!
Thank you everyone. I agree that color has changed my texture, but I have decided that I get rid of that color I'm staying dark. My uncolored hair is much shinier and softer, and I wish I hadn't colored it. I appreciate all the replies because I just want to know want posts to relate to when ppl post about a certain hair type. I recently reached BSL, so I am too excited. Thanks!