Help! Can I be an intercessor? (Long)


New Member
Hi All,

I know you ladies will know the answer to this. My question is at the end of the story...

In 2002, my dad was diagnosed with throat / lymph node cancer. Although my parents have strong Christian faith, my dad was down in the dumps about it for a long time. In fact, he was at one point ready to kick the bucket. Thank God for my mom's strong faith and determination! My family gathered around him and prayed every day. His faith began to get stronger, and so did his health. By 2005, he was in complete remission and has been ever since.

However, because of the radiation and chemotherapy he recieved in his throat region, his esophogil pathway was basically closed off. At first, he had trouble breathing and swallowing anything and had to use a suction machine each day to suction any fluid in his mouth. He could not eat and had to have a feeding tube put into his stomach. Again, thank God for his mighty works! He no longer needs the suction machine! Unfortunately, my dad is still feeding through a tube in his stomach. He recieves a shipment of 2CalHN cans every month and that is the only thing (besides water) that can go through the tube.

Quite frankly, I am tired of seeing him like this. I graduated from college this past week, and it broke my heart into pieces that my dad could not come to eat with us at the restaurant. I am tired of spending Thanksgiving after Thanksgiving and Christmas after Christmas with him in room watching football. I am tired of him coming downstairs every night to tell us how good the food smells. There are certain times of the day that my dad is confined to the house because he has to do his feeding in private. I want him healed completely, because my heart breaks every day that I see him doing a feeding through that tube.

Honestly, my family has strong faith God's ability to do many things, but it seems for some reason that we are slacking off in this area. I have tried and tried to rally my family around and get them to become prayer warriors for my dad, but it seems that he and everyone else has given up on his healing.

In the past year, as God has manifested himself in some impossible situations in my life, my faith has grown tremendously. I just can't seem to find it in me to give up on my Dad's healing. I want so badly to see him eating that it compells me to believe that God will do it. I know very little about intercessory prayer, but I'm wondering if it's possible for someone (me, really) to be an intecessor for another person's healing, even when they have pretty much given up on it? I just don't know what else to do. I can't sit by anymore and watch my dad live like this.

Any help / advice on the matter would be great. Thanks in advance!
Oh, you sound like such a sweet heart. I'm sure someone with greater knowledge than I will come in and have a good answer for you. But in the mean while, let me share something. I have a loved one who is severely disabled and also eats through a feeding tube. When I began my true walk in Christ, I prayed for her (and others) so sincerly and I always blamed myself if I did not see the results in my timing. I went to a prophet about this once truly trying to figure out if it was my lack of faith that kept my loved one sick. I blamed myself for it. If only I could pray enough or the right way, surely she could walk, and talk, and all the other things. But my God is strong and He is powerful. These things are beyond my understanding, but I know that God sees, He knows, He understands, and He delivers. Miracles do happen. He's even worked some miracles in me. Just love you father as he is until that change comes.

I hope some others will chime in about intercession.
Hi All,

I know you ladies will know the answer to this. My question is at the end of the story...

In 2002, my dad was diagnosed with throat / lymph node cancer. Although my parents have strong Christian faith, my dad was down in the dumps about it for a long time. In fact, he was at one point ready to kick the bucket. Thank God for my mom's strong faith and determination! My family gathered around him and prayed every day. His faith began to get stronger, and so did his health. By 2005, he was in complete remission and has been ever since.

However, because of the radiation and chemotherapy he recieved in his throat region, his esophogil pathway was basically closed off. At first, he had trouble breathing and swallowing anything and had to use a suction machine each day to suction any fluid in his mouth. He could not eat and had to have a feeding tube put into his stomach. Again, thank God for his mighty works! He no longer needs the suction machine! Unfortunately, my dad is still feeding through a tube in his stomach. He recieves a shipment of 2CalHN cans every month and that is the only thing (besides water) that can go through the tube.

Quite frankly, I am tired of seeing him like this. I graduated from college this past week, and it broke my heart into pieces that my dad could not come to eat with us at the restaurant. I am tired of spending Thanksgiving after Thanksgiving and Christmas after Christmas with him in room watching football. I am tired of him coming downstairs every night to tell us how good the food smells. There are certain times of the day that my dad is confined to the house because he has to do his feeding in private. I want him healed completely, because my heart breaks every day that I see him doing a feeding through that tube.

Honestly, my family has strong faith God's ability to do many things, but it seems for some reason that we are slacking off in this area. I have tried and tried to rally my family around and get them to become prayer warriors for my dad, but it seems that he and everyone else has given up on his healing.

In the past year, as God has manifested himself in some impossible situations in my life, my faith has grown tremendously. I just can't seem to find it in me to give up on my Dad's healing. I want so badly to see him eating that it compells me to believe that God will do it. I know very little about intercessory prayer, but I'm wondering if it's possible for someone (me, really) to be an intecessor for another person's healing, even when they have pretty much given up on it? I just don't know what else to do. I can't sit by anymore and watch my dad live like this.

Any help / advice on the matter would be great. Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can be an intercessor but it requires much devotion. You can't stop just because it looks like the situation is not changing but you really, really have to travail on behalf of your father and cry out for him. I am an intercessor and there are times when I'll just strart crying for my city or other people and they have no idea. And you have to be ready for people to think that it's just coincidence (even though a person was sick for 5 years until you started praying) that the person gets better. There are times where you aren't going to tell people and they won't know that you were praying for them for months or years or that you spent two hours a day straight on your knees praying for them. Your doing it out the love for humanity and the love for God, first and foremost.

You can be a prayer warrior and pray in your own language but what I find most helpful is when God has granted you the gift of tongues. With that gift, you are able to travail for hours and not be as tired as you would when speaking in your natural language. If you can't speak in tongues, then it would be a good idea to write down scriptures speaking to your fatther's situation and claim them over his life. For instance, in Isaiah 53 it says that and by his stripes (Jesus) we are healed. You want to use this and says, I bless my father *insert name* in the name of Jesus Christ, to be healed by Jesus Christ stripes from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, *detail of where ailment is*

Just keep on annointing him and praying and a prayer offered in faith by an elder will heal the sick.:yep: