help!bunning and shedding/breakage


Well-Known Member
My regi is bunning daily, washn once a week and moisturize daily as well.Every night i take my bun down and moisturize it and put it back in the bun and tie my head with satin scarf.I notice shedding/breakage while im moisturizing my bun after the 4 or 5 days after wash day.sometimes its long pieces but for the most part it short pieces as if my hair is breaking.

has anybody esle had this problem before? if so what did you do to stop it? i dont want my hard work to go to waste.thank you
I agree, your hair may not need that much moisture. Another thing that caused breakage for me was making my ponytails too tight. Now I only use bobbypins for my buns. I don't get any breakage this way.
How would you feel about adding a mid week cowash, alternating between protein and moisturizing conditioners?
I agree, your hair may not need that much moisture. Another thing that caused breakage for me was making my ponytails too tight. Now I only use bobbypins for my buns. I don't get any breakage this way.

Sorry to steal ur thunder OP!

But the bold is my issue. I bun too tight. I just can't help it. I always want it to be super slick. Over excessive brushing to make it lay flat and smooth. My hair is not lengthy enough for a loose bun. PLUS its wet so I'd have a tacky pin up going on if I didn't gel it back. My bun is so tight that it's just a permanent print/mark where the rubber band is. I am trying to find a way out of this habit.

I am pretty sure this is the reason why I see so much shed hair on the floors. :wallbash:
Buns don't work for me. It may work for others but i got breakage with loose buns tight buns and bun buns!! LOL buns are a style for me not P.S.
It works so well for others but not me. ;(
Wet bunning was working for me for a short period of time as well until I started getting severe breakage. I just loosened my buns up, and wetbunned only 1 time a week now, and just try to find other ways to slick my hair down the rest of the week.

Also, I found that I had not been keeping up with my protein like I should have. If you are getting alot of moisture and doing everything else right, sometime you have to make sure you get a nice dose of protein on your hair. The shedding could be a number of things,but I liken that to normal daily shedding unless I see huge hunks of it in the comb.

Have you thought about purchasing phony buns until you reach the length you desire? They helped me out alot.
How would you feel about adding a mid week cowash, alternating between protein and moisturizing conditioners?

I forgot to add im natural 4a/3c fine strands.... do you think adding a mid cowash would help? im up for trying it.
Buns don't work for me. It may work for others but i got breakage with loose buns tight buns and bun buns!! LOL buns are a style for me not P.S.
It works so well for others but not me. ;(

LOL @ bun buns!! So what protective style works for you? How do loose buns break ur hair?? Just curious?
LOL @ bun buns!! So what protective style works for you? How do loose buns break ur hair?? Just curious?

I don't know what was wrong. I use ouchless bands didn't brush or comb often and I got breakage not shedding. Right now I'm cornrowed up under a wig. Take braids out every 6 weeks and wash and re-do I co-wash & DC while in braids.
My NG comes in fierce and it doesn't get along well with the relaxed ends. :lachen: The NG always wins and it breaks. while stretching i have to do little to no manipultion as i have straight relaxed ends.
Are u combing ur hair in between moisturizing and bunning? If not, wouldn't a few hairs after the 4th or 5th day be ok/normal shedding? Idk, I'm a newbie :perplexed
I forgot to add im natural 4a/3c fine strands.... do you think adding a mid cowash would help? im up for trying it.

Sure, I say go for it. When I wet bun, I find it's best for me to cowash every time I take the bun down. During the winter, this is more likely to be every other day to every 3 days. Just make sure you throw in a protein conditioner here and there to offset all that moisture. Or sometimes I'll reconstruct with aphogee two minute to keep my hair from getting mush mush.
Are u combing ur hair in between moisturizing and bunning? If not, wouldn't a few hairs after the 4th or 5th day be ok/normal shedding? Idk, I'm a newbie :perplexed

i dont comb my hair until wash day.for a sec i was thinking it was maybe normal sense i wasnt combing in between,what scares me is that its little pieces of hair and thats a sign of breaking right? isnt shed her suppose to be long?