Help! Breakage, shedding, no length.. ):


New Member
I'm ready to give up on my hair! ):
It's breaking and shedding and I'm not seeing any new length.
I just tried a garlic treatment to stop shedding and it didn't work and now I smell like garlic even though I washed my hair three times. ):
I'm doing a protein treatment at the moment for the breaking, but hmm..
Maybe I'm just too impatient.
I did the BC almost two months ago and I haven't seen any progress sinse then.

The products I am using are:
Schwarzkopf Liquid Silk Shampoo and Conditioner, Redken All Soft Leave In Conditioner, Tresemme Heat Tamer Protective Spray (except I never use heat anymore), Matthew James Protein Treatment, Herron Hair Skin & Nails Vitamins, Nature's Way Multivitamin.

I am thinking the breakage may be from:
-heat damage (although I did a BC two months ago and I NEVER use heat anymore, I guess the hair I do have has been flat ironed a lot from when I used to use heat daily. I hope that makes sense)
-HIH syndrom (I don't manipulate my hair too much when styling, but during the day I do tend to run my hands through my hair a lot)
-bobby pins (I keep my hair up in a pony tail most of the time, as I can't do much else with it. I have to use lots of bobby pins to hold it up.)

What am I doing wrong?
Are there any other things that could be causing breakage?
How can I stop it from breaking so much?
How can I stop the shedding?
Any other tips or advice?
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I'm not natural, but I know how you feel with the whole breakage thing. It sounds like you need more moisture in your hair, that's been my problem for the last seven years apparently. Are you using any leave-in conditioners, moisturizers/grease (I hate that word)? Are you using anything to seal in moisture? The protein treatment probably made your breakage worse if your hair was already dry.
I'm not natural, but I know how you feel with the whole breakage thing. It sounds like you need more moisture in your hair, that's been my problem for the last seven years apparently. Are you using any leave-in conditioners, moisturizers/grease (I hate that word)? Are you using anything to seal in moisture? The protein treatment probably made your breakage worse if your hair was already dry.

Thanks for the advice. (:
I don't think my hair really seems that dry though.
I use a moisturising conditioner with every wash and then I use redken all soft leave in conditioner daily.
I don't use an oil or anything to seal in the moisture because I find even a little bit makes my hair look to greasy.
Maybe I should try to find an oil that is a bit lighter.
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I don't see any moisturizing DC's, to balance out that protein. I strongly encourage you to try a DC or two before you try the protein treatment, actually.

And I know you're going to ask me for product sugesstions, but :sekret: I don't really have any. :( Though! I've heard nothing but raves about the ORS packs.

Hrmm. :scratchch Maybe I should try some of that myself. :lol:
hey lady,

sorry you're having such a hard time, I can totally relate.

about the shedding: have you been to the dermatologist? are you stressed (stress can cause hair loss)? also, have there been any major changes in your diet?

about the breaking: is your hair moisturized enough?

Maybe asking some questions and keeping a diary or log of some kind will help you figure out what is going on...

I think I might need to start deep conditioning then.
Does it matter if I deep condition without using heat though? (just leave it in for longer)
I'm not too sure how I would go about using heat.
I've heard some people just put a plastic cap on and then wrap warm towels around it.
Maybe I could try that.

I might also look into finding a light oil to seal the moisture in without making my hair look to greasy.
Any suggestions?
Moisturising Condish that are the truth:

Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment (blue bottle)
Kenra Moisturizing considh (need to use heat)
Honey Suckle Rose Conditioner by Aubrey Organics.

TRUTTH. I ahve dry hair..
I too was experiencing a lot of breakage, but it was because of dry brittle ends that just kept snapping off, no matter what I did--protein, moisture--didn't matter. I knew I had to stop the madness and just chop those bad boys off. However, if you ends aren't the problem I have a product suggestion for you. It's pretty expensive, but it works. You can scour the internet and find raving reviews about the stuff:

Frederick Fekkai PM Repair Strengthener $65. It's a night treatment that contains ceremides and peptides that have shown in research to increase elasticity and strength in African American hair. HTH; just my two cent's worth.
Thanks for all the advice.
I think my protein treatment actually stopped most of the breakage and shedding, and I've been moisturizing and sealing more so I think that will help aswell.
I plan to start deep conditioning too.