HELP!!! Breakage and Tangles?!


New Member
For some reason, lately my hair has been breaking a lot and it is really tangled at the ends. I try not to use a comb on it that often but when I do, I see little pieces of hair everywhere (mind you, my hair length is grazing BSL so the small pieces of hair are clearly not normal shed hairs). Im pretty sure that the cold weather has something to do with it, but I cant understand why its so tangled. For example, I washed my hair yesterday evening and let it dry overnight. After I flat ironed today it looked really nice and healthy but when I ran a comb, or even my fingers through it, I kept running into huge tangles. Can someone tell me what Im doing wrong? I DC once a week and I moisturize and seal my ends every night. Help! :wallbash:
are you relaxed or natural? do you detangle before you straighten? do you let your hair blow in the wind? do you cover it when out in the elements? how's your moisture/protein? used any new products lately? do you use a heat protectant?
What products you using? I'm wondering whether your cuticles are remaining open after you wash. Either that, or your ends many be dry and not have enough lubrication. Just my $0.02 .
What products you using? I'm wondering whether your cuticles are remaining open after you wash. Either that, or your ends many be dry and not have enough lubrication. Just my $0.02 .

I agree with this member. I think it may be the airdrying. In the past, if I airdried, it was a tangled mess. Based on what I've learned from LHCF, when you airdry, your cuticles aren't sealed like they are with heat. If your cuticles and overall hair is dry, then when you comb it, it may break due to the stress.

I read a few recent posts on airdrying and watch Traycee's You Tube video about air drying, and she says the key is to use a creamy cond as a leave-in and add more moisture and seal. I tried it this week for a braidout (I did sit under the hood dryer 30 minutes though so I wouldn't be dripping wet) but I primarily air dried. I also fully detangled my hair with a large tooth comb, then a medium, then a fine tooth BEFORE braiding it up.

When I wash next week, I'll let you know if the fully detangled and creamy cond leave-in prevented more tangles.
Whenever I experience excessive breakage at the ends I know its time for a trim. After the trim, I find that not only does my breakage stop almost completely, I also am able to comb through the hair without much issue or concern.
Maybe a trim can help the breakage and the tangles.
Whenever I experience excessive breakage at the ends I know its time for a trim. After the trim, I find that not only does my breakage stop almost completely, I also am able to comb through the hair without much issue or concern.
Maybe a trim can help the breakage and the tangles.

This is what I was going to suggest. Since I just had this problem and the trim stopped it in it's tracks. It was like lil minute pieces of hair. Nothing to long but nice and short.
To me it sounds like a porosity issue. Your cuticles must be damaged. Maybe you can do an apple cider vinegar rinse after your shampoo. Then deep condition with protein and then moisture. That helped with a similar problem.
These are great suggestions that have helped me in the past too -- trim, balance protein/moisture, airdry with proper technique/products for my hair. (Haven't tried ACV though; sounds interesting).

Another thing to consider is ... Did you have this problem last winter? If so how did you fix it? How is your routine different this winter than it was last winter?
I think that I might need a trim. I also think that I may need a different leave-in too. Right now Im using HE Leave-In(red bottle) but I dont think that it is moisturizing enough for my hair in this kind of weather. Are there any other creamy leave-ins that you all use and really like?
NTM in leave-in is what I use and love... also thanks so much for this post I am having a similar experience and now I believe it may be time for a trim.
When I used creamy leave-ins (I opt for a spray mix now) I used Giovanni Direct Leave-In and I liked it. If I can recall correctly, it's a protein leave-in so you may want to watch the protein/moisture balance.