Help! Birth Control and Hair Loss


New Member
Hey ladies,

I've been on Yaz for a few months for PCOS and have noticed a real increase in shedding during my washes. I just got back from the gyn and he really wanted to keep me on them for a while longer. Is there ANYTHING I can do for this estrogen-related thinning? Will it stop on its own? It is making me very sad.:sad:

I guess the one good thing about PCOS is really thick hair. I just can't add thinning to this breakage issue I have.
Going back into my past, I had my worse shedding issue while I was taking BC control :perplexed

It will stop. But for me by the time it did, the damage had been done :ohwell:

My shedding didnt get better until I stopped taking BC. Hopefully someone else may have some sort of recommendation for you, since your gyn wants you to continue usage.
Thanks Nicole. I really did talk at length with him to see if there is any alternative at this point. He said that the only thing that he might try is metformin.
WoW.... sorry to hear about ur problem. I've been on that same BC and I never noticed any difference. :perplexed I'm sure your doctor can recommend something to help you out. Keep us updated. on the same BC...just started last month...i havent noticed any hairloss and i hope it stays that sorry about ur shedding problems...hopefully some1 can give some insight....
ps how long have u been on Yaz? on the same BC...just started last month...i havent noticed any hairloss and i hope it stays that sorry about ur shedding problems...hopefully some1 can give some insight....
ps how long have u been on Yaz?

I've been on for 3 months. My gyn is changing me to Femcon as of my next cycle. Hopefully, a higher level of estrogen will help.
Make sure you keep your gyno aware.

I had a horrible time with BC I actually developed quite a bald patch because I didn't realize that's what the problem was.

I'm glad you caught it and are going to switch.
This happend to me but when I got off BC. I didn't notice any change when I was on it. I got off BC almost a year ago and my hair immediately started shedding. It's still shedding, almost a year later, so I think I'm going to try to go to the dermatologist in Dec. I've tried everything to stop it, but nothing has helped.
This happend to me but when I got off BC. I didn't notice any change when I was on it. I got off BC almost a year ago and my hair immediately started shedding. It's still shedding, almost a year later, so I think I'm going to try to go to the dermatologist in Dec. I've tried everything to stop it, but nothing has helped.

I had the exact same experience once I stopped the patch- everything was fine while I was on it, a month after stopping, hair started shedding, esp around my hairline. Luckily it stopped about 6 months later.
I just started taking yaz this month and so far no side effects, which is a first for me with any BC. A little shedding , is not an issue with me I so need to debulk !
I just want to clarify, I'm not putting down Yaz at all. It just didn't work for me. You may not have the hair loss. In the grand scheme, it wasn't so bad. i didn't gain weight, my boobs hurt, but they didn't go up in size. I bled for 2 months straight, but that was because it wasn't enough estrogen for me.

Just make sure that you stay on top of your gyn.