HELP! 150 broken strands!!!


I am doing everything I can from rollersetting and airdrying to no combing and any suggestion I can find on the board! Lately I have been having terrible breakage. Usually I only have a few during the week because I don't comb it, moisturize daily and keep my hair in a pony. But wash days I loose lots of hair to breakage. I am very careful but it still happens.
Regime: (Last couple of weeks)
wash : Patene relaxed & natural intensive moisturizing shampoo
condition: aphogee intensive two minute keratin reconstructor
leave In: design essentionals theraputics Rx hydrating conditioner
set with: african royale daily doctor + jojoba oil

I am currently 6 weeks post relaxer and I usually stretch to 10.
Please help!
maybe you need the actual Aphogee treatment. how long was it between combings when you lost these 150 hairs if it had been a few days or longer i would not be alarmed maybe it is a seasonal thing. being inside with the heat going is drying on the hair.
Breakage and shedding aren't the same thing, so it might not be as bad as you think. Your hair sheds every day, whether or not you comb it. So if you go multiple days without combing your hair and you finally do comb it - you're going to see all of the accumulated hair at one time. On average you shed 50-100 hairs every day, so some days it will be more and some days less.

I don't see anything in the products listed that I would call the culprit for your shedding. So it might be seasonal shedding like Msportugal says.

But if you're noticing actual breakage in one specific area - like around your ponytail - it might be time for a new protective style or loosening up/changing the position of your ponytail.
This is actual breakage and not shedding. The hairs are different lengths - some very long and some very short and alot of inbetweens approx 3-5 inches.
I'm breaking too so I probably shouldn't be answering this question, but :p ... Are there split ends on the end of any of the broken strands? Also, maybe alternating the Aphogee Keratin conditioner with a moisturizing conditioner would help. Too much protein can sometimes cause breakage.
Okay, I know this wasnt the question but I think you should seriously consider getting a new shampoo, did you know that Pantene's Relaxed & Natural shampoo has petrolatum in it? WHO PUTS PETRO IN A SHAMPOO?!

Back to the topic at hand, I think that you need a moisturizing conditioner, rather than the Aphogee every week. I know that the 2 minute Keratin Reconstructor is supposed to be really strong, so I dont think you really need to use it every week.. maybe once every month at the most. Protein is good for the hair (some), but too much can make the hair brittle and break.

Some good moisturizing shampoos/conditioners are: (and I suggest go to the websites and emailing the companies for samples to save money and all of the following will send them quickly)
Nexxus Therappe Shampoo/ Humectress Conditioner
Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo/Conditioner
Mane N Tail Moisturizing Shampoo/Conditioner (never tried this one but it's recommended by lots of ladies here and it's cheap. I dont think they'll send samples though)
Keracare ( Detangling Poo/Humecto Conditioner

...and you must also consider that it could just be shedding, and all of it isn't necessarily breakage.

my only suggestion is pay attention to what styles u have been wearing lately and the products u have been using...and what methods for each product....hope u find the cause and fix the problem :)