Hellooooo out there...Newbie Alert!


New Member
Okay, so I'm not really a newbie. I've been lurking since early April of this year. But, I FINALLY got my stupid Paypal account to work properly, so NOW I get to participate. WHOOOOPPEEEEEE!!!!!!! :grin: :newbie:

So...my hair story...

I've always been told that I have great hair and a beautiful hair texture (medium mostly 4a and some 4b) hair. My mom always said that I had a good "grade" of hair. Problem? NO ONE (including myself and my mom) knew how to take care of my hair! So, this beautiful hair was breaking off all the time like crazy and NEVER got past the tops of my shoulders. I was always jealous of the girls who had long hair and I never thought that I'd ever be one of them. :nono:

In college, I decided to give up using relaxers for a bit and decided to give Copa a try (don't act like ya'll don't remember that stuff). My hair seemed like it wasn't going anywhere as far as growth. Apparently, what happened is that my old relaxed hair was breaking off, meanwhile, thicker, healthier hair was growing in. So, finally, after about a year of Copa, I went in for a real relaxer at Vidal Sasson. OH My GOD...my hair turned out amazing. And to top it all off, I FINALLY found a stylist who knew how to take care of my hair. And it was a freakin' white gay guy to top it all off! :lachen:

So, what happened? I started dating this dimwit whose mom owned her own salon. He kept bothering me to go see her. So, finally I gave in. What a HUGE mistake! That woman TOTALLY f*&%ed up my hair! More than a year's worth of progress went right down the drain! :wallbash:

After that, I started using weaves. This was mostly due to the fact that I was trying to do the modeling thing (hey, don't laugh...I'm actually pretty cute :grin:) and I was told by agents that I had a better chance of getting bookings with longer hair. In the "normal" course of things...I don't think there's anything wrong with weaves. Lots of women here use them and they are GREAT for giving hair a much needed break from daily manipulation.

But I developed a problem. I basically became a weave addict. I didn't think that I was a beautiful woman without my weave :perplexed That, my dear friends, is a serious problem. So, earlier this year, I decided that after FIVE YEARS of weaving it up (and NOT taking care of my hair properly while it was in the weave), I had to stop. But how was I going to take care of my hair?

Enter LHCF. I did a google search for Black hair care tips (or something like that), and the link popped up. I've been hooked ever since.

I got my relaxer in late April as well as a much need cut...yes, it was a CUT not a trim. The stylist whacked off somewhere between 1.5 and 2 inches. But, it was definitely needed. Since then, and since learning more from LHCF, I've not only grown that hair back, but I've got an additional half in or so :grin:

I've still got some kinks to work out (pun intended) when it comes to hair care. But, the condition of my hair has dramatically improved AND I've got the best stylist EVER who always does EXACTLY what I ask her to when I come into the salon.

Looking forward to lots and lots of gabbing about hair and learning more from all of you FABULOUS ladies who show that Black hair is ALWAYS beautiful no matter how we choose to wear it!
I always enjoy reading people's hair travels, thanks for sharing! Welcome :newbie:

...and YES, I do remember those Copa infomercials! :lachen:Whatever happened to that stuff??
Hey girl! :wave:
I enjoyed reading your hair story. I am glad you found us here. These women KNOW their stuff. Good luck and Welcome. :peace: