

Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

I've been a 'lurker' for several months now, and just wanted to introduce myself to all of you. I've been so grateful, and fortunate to come across these types of boards because it has certainly dispelled so many myths that I believed. Who would have thunk in a million years that it would be possible for my hair to be so close to BSL.:yep:

I'm currently transitioning to natural, and have never been so happy with my hair. Although I'm a newbie to this forum, I'm not a total newbie to healthy hair growing techniques, as I am a member of other boards.

Thanks again ladies for your positive, uplifting advice, and informative threads!!:yep: Please keep them coming..

PS. Quick question to those that wear sew-ins. I've started detangling only on wet hair, but I know that when I take my sew-in out I won't be able to do that.(Reason being - After taking out a sewin, wetting your hair without detangling all the shed hair results in matting and I've had to cut out chunks of my hair before I knew any better) Anyway, I was wondering if it would be okay to apply butter, oils, or conditioner and then detangle. Or, I wonder if this would cause still cause my hair to matt? Any thoughts??

public.fotki.com/ediese (not updating until August)
welcome Ediese
Welcome! I"m thrilled that you are going natural. I'm going on my 7th year!

Keep us updated on your progress.

Sorry I can't give you advice on the sew-ins, I don't wear them. You'll get alot of expertise here - you sure are in the right place!
Hey girl! Welcome!
I just removed my kinky twists and applied a small amount of conditioner and detangled that way. It worked for me because it made the hair really soft. I tried to do it without the conditioner and my hair was very dry and I could hear it snapping.:perplexed
Thanks again Ladies. You guys are so great.

Cheekq- I'll definitely apply some conditioner then because I know I'll hear that snapping too if I don't.
Welcome aboard.

If I had a dollar for everytime I broke a comb or brush when trying to take down braids, twists or weaves with dry hair I would have a nice little nest egg for buying more products.

Always, always take down the hair while damp, wet or at least moist.
Welcome Ediese! :grin: glad you came out of lurking. Your hair is so thick. I hope you achieve all your goals.

I agree with detangling using a lot of water and conditioner. that's all I ever use for detangling. just keep a spray bottle of water near to rewet the hair. HHG!