Hello (waving) and Help (bout to pull it all out)!

JC Jane

New Member
Hi all! Just wanted to provide a brief intro and also send my thanks you all of you ladies who didn't even know you were helping a newbie former lurker. I've been on my HHJ for 6 months. I have been relaxed since childhood with 4 a/b hair and I would consider myself to have thin hair with equal parts thin and thick strands.

Right now, I am at stretched APL from SL. When I received my last touch up in January, ORS non-lye, I wanted to cry from sheer happiness because I had listened to the tips on this board and was finally seeing the results. My mom who had been so skeptical after seeing me take control with my products, washes and sets even remarked on how great my hair was doing. My old stylist however was none too thrilled and that is where the struggle began.

Right now, I have about 4 months of new growth, which is not a problem at all. I washed on Monday and the new growth was so very soft as were the parts just after the new growth which have benefited from my newly acquired knowledge of how to maintain healthy hair. The problem I have is with the underprocessed texlaxed parts that are smack dab in the middle of the strand. When I wash my hair those bits melt together like felt! They just fuse and I cannot take it any more but I don't want to chop those bits off. I spent literally TEN HOURS:nono: (2pm to 12am) detangling because I didn't want to loose a crazy amount of hair. I still lost 25% more hair than I normal loose in the process. Also, for some reason loading up with conditioner didn't work on those parts although it was slip city for the new growth. I actually had to wait until the texlaxed hair was dry before I could begin prying the hairs apart strand by strand and when it was dry I actually lost little to no hair on those sections.

I have tried washing in sections. I have tried the braid method when washing and I do try and remove as much shed hair as possible before I wash as well. I've washed in the shower, I have washed in the sink using the combing hair forward method first, but when it comes to those tex bits :wallbash: nothing helps.
The strands look like this at this point:


What it comes down to is that I need to get a corrective with my next touch up which has to be ASAP because I have an interview on Tuesday. I live in Jersey City, NJ but I do not drive. Can anyone here help me with stylist recommendations? I did a search but couldn't find anything recent. I was thinking JCPenney but I need names etc. Thanks for listening to this long account!
I do not live in your area but I wanted to say


And yes you might need a correcter. You're doing great with your hair so far. don't forget to do a protein treatment a couple of days after the relaxer!

Have a nice day!

Have you tried a detangling spray like Mane and Tail? Also, try using Porosity Control conditioner or an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse after your next wash. This should help the cuticles lay flat so you can avoid tangles.
Thanks Platinum. I have not tried the MNT spray but I have been using Porosity Control for some time. Doesn't really work on the texlaxed parts but the relaxed and new growth respond well to it. I was thinking of trying the ACV rinse but I really don't want to take the chance of it not working and having to detangle for a whole day again. :(