Hello My Sisters, I am returning form a......


Well-Known Member
Giving up on myself episode, there has been a lot of things going on in My life and I sorta just gave up on everything, I need a little encouragement to get the Health of My hair back on track, its been breaking alot, and I don't blame it, because I have not been taking very Good care of it, So here I am and I am ready to get this Healthy Hair Thing back on track.
I miss You Ladies a lot and I'm sure You Guys will boost My enthusiasm once again.
Glad your back from that episode. Good luck on getting your hair back on track. You will feel better and enjoy it once you do.
Glad you are back! (((hugs))) I hope all is going well for you now. Your hair will be back on track with just a little TLC. HHG!!
Hey Leesh!:wave: I'm glad you made it thru the episode and I know you'll find some wonderful tips here that will have your hair thriving long and strong.

I wish you nothing but luck on your HHJ if you ever need help tips or a place to vent.....we're here:blowkiss: