Hello My name is wish4length and I am addicted to


Active Member

I used to be one of those "I don't do weave" chicks....that was until March 2012 when I was SOO close to my APL goal and decided to let a close friend do my hair.....:nono: never again. My length was GONE within seconds. Since I could no longer put it in a ponytail, I decided to get a sew-in and stop relaxing.
I have 2 inches of new growth, but I'm ready for my third sew-in......
I feel like a crackhead....is this common?????
Girl, yes! For me anyway. I was addicted...for 10 years, maybe longer. I would have a sew in already and see another girl with a style I liked and started itching to get another weave. lol Then when I started taking care of my hair I was addicted to just hiding my hair and loved anticipating the take down. Until I started waiting 3 weeks and missing my hair. Who knew taking care of my hair and gaining length would help with my weave addiction. I also had a bf at the time that encouraged me to wear my hair out. When you get some of your length back you just might get addicted to your hair and be done with that weave.
I was in braids for years and the excitement of seeing the new growth gave me adrenaline rushes. I was a true addict in a sense.

But I dont do those anymore. :3 I have since renounced my addictions with BA courses (Braiders Anonymous :rolleyes:)
Yes, Yes it is. OP I was like you too. Rarely did weaves (1x a year or less) and wouldn't be caught dead in a wig. I started transitioning in March of 2009 and a friend was getting married in Sept. I wanted my hair to look nice for her wedding, so I got a sew in and never looked back. I wore sew ins from Sept 09 -Dec 11. That's when I got turned onto wigs... Needless to say, I have a growing collection... Love the versatility of changing my hair everyday if I want and being able to see my own hair at night. I'm hooked.
I used to be addicted to wigs. I still luv them but now that my hair is growing and its so hot I've stopped wearing them.
Anavrin said:
I was in braids for years and the excitement of seeing the new growth gave me adrenaline rushes. I was a true addict in a sense.

But I dont do those anymore. :3 I have since renounced my addictions with BA courses (Braiders Anonymous :rolleyes:)

This is me now I love love love seeing my newgrowth in my mini braids I think I'm Gina mini braid myself to bsl :)
Yes! Seeing the new growth is fun! Detangling is not :( I also for some reason have a stinky head, no matter what I do when I wear extensions. So....don't see myself getting them for a while especially the longer my hair grows.
beingofserenity said:
Yes! Seeing the new growth is fun! Detangling is not :( I also for some reason have a stinky head, no matter what I do when I wear extensions. So....don't see myself getting them for a while especially the longer my hair grows.

I don't wear extensions I braid my own hair and for detangling purposes I only keep them in for 5 weeks max:)