Hello my name is Teneice and I am a junkie.


Well-Known Member
Product Junkies

This is sad you guys. I went to consolidate and throw out products I do not use, when I notice something wrong. I have exactly 26 hair products I bought and was given that I did not use. Not once!!! They still have the tag on it. My closet, bottom draws in the bathroom and bedroom, and bath window are filled with products. 26 I have not used. All together, I have 74 hair products in total. Like the brand new one, I have here. This is not good at all. I really have a hair problem. HELP!!!

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Maybe you should see if you can exchange most of them for products that are better for you than to just waste the money, especially if you frequent the same BSS. I would, I'm good for exchanging something for what I really want, LOL.
Hi, Teneice.

Sell the products, exchange them or make things easy for yourself and just give them to me! :grin: Just kidding (not really).
Keep some you still want to try and clear out the rest.
You realy did a good thing with that...Go to show the newbies that you can grow hair in one year if you follow the board.
74 products does show I know to grow the hair, it just shows I don't know when to stop buying. You are right though, I can sell it or give them away. Now I have to decide which ones to keep. Does anyone esle have this problem???
I have never counted my products. One day I went through my closet and did a clean sweep. I gave everyting that I didn't like to my co-worker that has 2 teenage daughters. I also give them away to my female visitors when they come by and mention a certain product. Finally, I donated some unopened products to the local women's shelter.

Now I only purchase replacement products or products that have been on my wish list for a long time.
Send some my way. I am going to a BSS on W. Market that I have not been in yet. I am going specifically for Clairol radiance but I have feeling that they will have that Elasta QP DPR-11 I have been wanting.
I have a lot of proudcts as well...I just have not had the energy to go thru them all.

Those products look really good.

I agree with the girls...exchange/sell them or sell on ebay.
girl dont feel bad im right behind you...i have so many products its ridiculous...i mean how many shampoos, conditioners, spritz, hair sheen, grease etc...do i need... i can only use one of each of them at a time...and then when i think about throwing things away..im just like what if i need them...i just went thru my drawers the other day and put everything that i do use in a top draw so i can easily get to them...but the other products i have that im so afraid to throw away its crazy...maybe one of these days i will just get up the nerves and take a bag and toss the other stuff im not using...right now im just trying to use everything i have..
Girl, don't feel bad. Many of us suffer from the cursed "PJism". Why don't you try selling some of the products on the Hair Exchange Board, and those you can't sell here, you can try E-bay for.
LOL. You guys are right the holidays are coming up. My mom is checking out my stash......I got to keep an eye out for her. Because she is going to look through my pile. I hope she leaves me enough to sell.
ok i have 3 words for you
save your receipt:grin: i take anything i don't like after one or 2 uses back! no questions...long gone are the days i waste my hard earned cash