Hello, let me introduce myself


New Member
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of Long Hair care Forum!

I have been lurking/stalking for sometime that I thought it would be only proper to introduce myself. My name is Calisoul and I am obsessed with my hair ( at least that is what my family, friends, and co-works say).

Actually, I joined LHCF a little of a year ago but recently I decided I wanted to become a full fledge member so out went $6.50 from my wallet. (should have done it earlier)

A little about my hair: Natural 4a (maybe some 3C in the front). On 8/14/2010, after being motivated from the posts that I saw on the site, I made the leap to become relaxer free after 9 months of transitioning. When stretched the front is 7 inches and the top and back ranges from 5-6 inches (It's a weird layered cut). I am super-duper happy because that's an inch worth of growth!!!! :grin:

My regime: I co wash every other day and try to moisturize my hair on a consistent basis. Still trying to figure out what my hair likes and doesn't like. There are more dislikes than likes right now. I guess that's a good thing. For years I was conditioning with silicone based products, when I cut them out my hair no longer feels and looks dry like the desert.

My current style: Twist out 'Fro inspired by Corinne Bailey Rae.

Anywho, I just wanted to say hello and thank you for making this one of the most informative hair care websites on the internet!


PS...I plan to post pictures once I figure out how to get them off my phone to the site. If you know how, please tell me.
Welcome Calisoul - Great to meet you.

Since you no longer use silocone conditioners do you have a favorite conditioner you usually use? I haven't figured out if my hair loves or hates cones yet.
Congratulations on becoming a full-fledge memeber!

Let me ask you.....did you say you got 7" of growth (in the front) after only 9 months?!?! That's amazing! I think my hair grows fast, but that really is some awesome growth!
Congratulations on becoming a full-fledge memeber!

Let me ask you.....did you say you got 7" of growth (in the front) after only 9 months?!?! That's amazing! I think my hair grows fast, but that really is some awesome growth!

It was about 6 inches in 9 months, the last inch came after my big cut. ... the front of my hair grows like a weed. The back of my hair doesn't grow as fast.

Welcome Calisoul - Great to meet you.

Since you no longer use silocone conditioners do you have a favorite conditioner you usually use? I haven't figured out if my hair loves or hates cones yet.

Right now I am co-washing with V05 and using a homemade leave in mixture of KC Knot Today, Aloe Vera Gel, and water. I also seal with olive oil. So far its happy...but we will see what the winter brings.