Hello ladies from a Newbie!!


New Member
Hello ladies!:D
Yaaaah! After months of lurking I have finally joined! I am very happy to be a member of this board, i have learned so far a wealth of information from you all and look forward to finally participating! Happy hair growing to everyone!:)
Wa alaikum salaam!! to all the muslimahs on this board.
Thank you to all of you who welcomed me!! i am soo excited to have joined! :rosebud:
Welcome!! The ladies on here are so great, not to mention knowledgeable. I have learned so much. This will be the best $5 you have ever spent in your life. Again, welcome!!!!;)
shunta said:
Welcome!! The ladies on here are so great, not to mention knowledgeable. I have learned so much. This will be the best $5 you have ever spent in your life. Again, welcome!!!!;)

yess it will be and Welcome!!!
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa baakatuhu

Welcome Sister Ummalhadiqah!!!!! Happy Growing!!!!

(Oh, I love Sweet Sunnah Black Hair Care Products!!!!:D )