Hello! Im new to this part of the forum

Loves Harmony

Well-Known Member
I feel like im missing something in my life and i dont know where to start. I havent attend church in ahile in i feel like i need to get back into the word. Seems like i going through the most and its hard to describe this feeling that im going through. I need a change in my life. People are bring me down. Im tired of the negative people in my life.
step1: Ive already done, dropped the negative people.

But i dont know where to start and i need help.
Pray, read your bible, pray, go back to church and pray.

You've already made a great first step. Have you read the whole bible yet from beginning to end? Don't worry about not being able to understand everything at first, God will give you understanding when you're ready to recieve it.
Hey there Loves Harmony, welcome to this part of the forum!

I can relate to this feeling as if something is missing from your
life. I am in a repositioning stage myself. One of the first steps that I
took was to drop the negative people out of my life. But I didn't realize
until recently that I was also negative towards myself via my thoughts
and feelings about myself. So this is what I am working on now...

What I would say is now that you have dropped the negative people,
you will need to replace them with positive like-minded people as yourself.
You can join a Bible based church that really gets into the word so that
can help you get back into it.

All I know is that only God can feel a void in our lives. Many people turn to friends, lovers, drugs, alcohol, etc in order to feel the emptiness or to substitute that "thing" that they feel that they are lacking. I believe that God purposely created us that way to remind us that He is all that we need and only He can feel that void. --- So what I am trying to say is turn to God... although we may not always hear God, but He has ways of getting the message to us and He can bring those people that you require into your life that can assist you with what you are currently going through.

God bless,


I feel like im missing something in my life and i dont know where to start. I havent attend church in ahile in i feel like i need to get back into the word. Seems like i going through the most and its hard to describe this feeling that im going through. I need a change in my life. People are bring me down. Im tired of the negative people in my life.
step1: Ive already done, dropped the negative people.

But i dont know where to start and i need help.
Hey there Loves Harmony, welcome to this part of the forum!

I can relate to this feeling as if something is missing from your
life. I am in a repositioning stage myself. One of the first steps that I
took was to drop the negative people out of my life. But I didn't realize
until recently that I was also negative towards myself via my thoughts
and feelings about myself. So this is what I am working on now...

What I would say is now that you have dropped the negative people,
you will need to replace them with positive like-minded people as yourself.
You can join a Bible based church that really gets into the word so that
can help you get back into it.

All I know is that only God can feel a void in our lives. Many people turn to friends, lovers, drugs, alcohol, etc in order to feel the emptiness or to substitute that "thing" that they feel that they are lacking. I believe that God purposely created us that way to remind us that He is all that we need and only He can feel that void. --- So what I am trying to say is turn to God... although we may not always hear God, but He has ways of getting the message to us and He can bring those people that you require into your life that can assist you with what you are currently going through.

God bless,


Thanks for coming in...
Pray, read your bible, pray, go back to church and pray.

You've already made a great first step. Have you read the whole bible yet from beginning to end? Don't worry about not being able to understand everything at first, God will give you understanding when you're ready to recieve it.

No i havent but i will getting into the word and start reading.
I feel like im missing something in my life and i dont know where to start. I havent attend church in ahile in i feel like i need to get back into the word. Seems like i going through the most and its hard to describe this feeling that im going through. I need a change in my life. People are bring me down. Im tired of the negative people in my life.
step1: Ive already done, dropped the negative people.

But i dont know where to start and i need help.

That's it, that's your start, your confession to the Lord. God works in mysterious ways because your answer is in your own question. Get back to the Word. That's all you need to do. . .God will lead you and direct your footsteps to the rest.
I feel like im missing something in my life and i dont know where to start. I havent attend church in ahile in i feel like i need to get back into the word. Seems like i going through the most and its hard to describe this feeling that im going through. I need a change in my life. People are bring me down. Im tired of the negative people in my life.
step1: Ive already done, dropped the negative people.

But i dont know where to start and i need help.

You're growing.... :yep: The woman you were 'yesterday', you have 'left' behind, for you have outgrown who you used to be. Sometimes we stop attending Church because the 'food' we need to nourish our spiritual growth, is no longer there. We must feed on what we need to nourish us and sustain us for the Purpose God has in store.

Forgive yourself for wanting and searching for something more. For God is leading you exactly where you need to be to nourish and develop you to the next level in 'knowing' and 'loving' Him.

God is waiting for you with loving and open arms, to uphold you and He will never let you go. All you have to do is whisper, "Lord, here I am, teach me, fill me to overflowing with your presence and your Holy Spirit.

"For He who has begun a good work in you, shall continue until the day of Jesus Christ"

And Loves Harmony....those who love you, will follow you. :yep:

Blessings to you...:giveheart: