Hello i'm new here...


Hello all i'm not sure if i've already posted a hello i'm new message yet i've been all over the place lately. :) Ok so here goes....I really hate to start out by whining but lol I need help! I've read alot of posts on here I spend hours in fact trying to figure out what to do do with my hair. I was thinking I should just texlax but i'm so terrified i'm scared all of my hair will fall out. I think my hair is a 4b it's really course and i have no curl pattern. I'm not looking to make my hair curly i just want to be able to some what comb through it and get rid of the tiny knots that get on the indvidual hairs. Today is one of thos days that I just want to lay in the floor and cry. If anyone has some advice I will jump right on it.
Welcome :)!!
RE your hair issue, yo may need to have a little trim - that may help out with the knots. Also, how do you braid your hair before bed? Braiding/twisting at night and covering with a silk scarf (or sleeping on a silky pillow) can also keep the tangles and knots at bay. Try to detangle with your fingers daily - that helps also.
I understand your frustration!! Natural hair can get really tedious as it's so fragile. If the going gets really tough, you could always just put some braids in to get your hair out of the way for a bit ;). HTH
welcome to the forum. im not to good with natural hair but im sure one of the ladies will help u..

I think that if you get on a good schedule of dcing and moisturizing you will find that your hair is much easier to comb. Make sure you are detangling gently, with a wide tooth comb first, on hair that has some slippery oil or conditioner.

Also, texlaxing may not get rid of your single strand knots. To prevent them, make sure you're not sleeping on loose hair and try to keep your hair stretched as much as possible.
Welcome to the forum. I think toytoy and msa gave you some good advice, as far as helping your hair.
I braid my hair every nite and i've been wearing head scarves for the longest now I have noticed some growth. I opted for the head scarves because i get so frustrated with my hair. I will pull it out for church but that's about it lately. I'm not really on any kind of regime of hair products I was thinking of going to sally's and trying to find something. I live in AZ so it's pretty dry out here any suggestions?
Welcome! DC'ing and moisturizing works best for my hair. As far as the knots are concerned I've tried everything except cutting my hair which would probably be the solution:nono:. Right now I'm wearing it in kinky twists because I need a break from trying to figure out what to do next.

Good Luck!
:hiya2: Welcome to the board

maybe you could try deep conditioning (protein) twice a week and cowashing every day that could help balance the ph....a trim could help with the knots also detangling with cond. could also help with the knots..hth
Welcome aboard!!!:yep:

The things that help me to reduce the number of knots that I get is to:

1. Keep my hair in a stretched state
2. Keep my hair and ends moisturized
3. Keeping a satin bonnet on my hair when I'm in the house (it helps me to reduce hand-in-hair syndrome)
Welcome lady!! One thing that helps my 4bz hair with knots and detangling is a ton of conditioner on wet hair. I dont detangle unless Im in the shower. And try not to sleep on loose hair. Rt now my hair is short but majority of the time Im in twist. Ur gonna find a vast amount of information on here so make the search button ur friend for a couple of days.
I braid my hair every nite and i've been wearing head scarves for the longest now I have noticed some growth. I opted for the head scarves because i get so frustrated with my hair. I will pull it out for church but that's about it lately. I'm not really on any kind of regime of hair products I was thinking of going to sally's and trying to find something. I live in AZ so it's pretty dry out here any suggestions?

Since you're in a dry environment and your hair is probably pretty dry because you don't have a regimen, I think you should start out with something moisturizing. If you have a whole foods or vitamin shoppe near I suggest you get Aubrey Organics White Camellia conditioner and use that for dcing. As far as a moisturizer, I don't have any specific suggestions, but youshould avoid things with glycerine because there will be no moisture in the air for it to pull to your hair.

I also suggest you start by clarifying your hair, since it's always best to start with a clean slate when trying new things. Look through the regimen, natural, and type 4 (4a/b) threads for more suggestions.
Welcome and I wish you the best! PAtience is your best remedy. A word of wisdom: don't jump on everything you hear at first. Do your research and what works for your hair. Texlaxing may not be for you right now. Make sure your moisture/protein level is good and drink lots of water. :)