Hello im New and here'z my sad true story (long)


New Member
Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Well is all started out when i got some straight human hair tracks put into my hair to make my hair seem longer, and yea it looked real nice,but my real hair was already long not extremely long but it was near my shoulders, which is long to me, anywayz my aunt put these tracks into my hair with bonding glue. To make the tracks not be like real thick, bulky and fake looking i cut some of the weight off the hair with some scissors that have a comb on the end. Could i have been cutting my own hair with that? I didnt't even realize it. I got so caught up with tracks looking real and nice and all that bull, but it seemed fine at first beacause like the first time i was ready to take them out they were slipping so i just pulled them out, i didnt notice any hair on the wefts and i only had a little bit of glue still stuck in my hair and head no biggy right? WRONG! The second time i was ready to take them out it was a little bit worse or alot worse i didnt notice but i still didnt care it looked nice when i had it and it looked real and everyone thought it was real, thats all i cared about (dumb right?) i put the tracks up into a pony tail and piled gel grease and mousse, and criped it and washed it and blowdryed )yea i did all of that crazy junk becuz i am naiive) on it and im thinking nothing is gonna happen well when i was ready to take them bad boys out i had ALOT of glue stil stuck in my hair and i was just pulling it out with a small comb, it was hurting like crazy and it was so sticky, i thought my scalp was gonna be bleeding an i had a headache afterwards, anyways when i was taking them out i still didnt notice alot of hair on the wefts but my real hair was just getting shorter and shorter and shorter and after i finish taking all of the tracks out im baldheaded! my hair is real short and broken off and it takes me about 3 days to get all that glue out of my hair. After im done washing my hair my mother is like what the hell happened to all your hair, did u cut it? and im like no cz i dont know what happened to my hair. Now my hair is like up to my ear, and eye in some places, and my neck in other places, and is real uneven, before that it was ll even shoulder length. Im so sad now
. I dont know what to do and this was like 3 months ago, ever since then i have been getting cornrows, but it doesnt seem like is helping my hair grow, and also i have decided not to get perms anymore, and to just let me natural hair grow out, but the ends of my hair keep breaking off, and i dont want to cut off the permed ends because me sister can barely catch my short hair now imagine me cutting off the permed ends it would be harder, and i cant wear a little afro because i dont think i an deal with that just yet. I was thinking about getting microbaids or just keeping it braided for like a year, but than my hairline is gonna be receding. I want my hair to grow out by like the middle of my junior year in high school hair or maybe even longer than it was, my mother tells me cornrows will make it grow if i stay in them.It's sad because everone in my family envied my hair especially my sister, my hair was aways healthier and longer than theirs now my mother and my sisters air is longer than mine. This probably happened because i alwayz had that my hair is longer than hers attitude but look at me now. Can someone please help me, i dont know what else to do Any suggestions or anything and i mean anything would help.

Please be patient with me i am only 15 years old and a sophomore so my writing may not be great but please help. Thanx Alot i appreciate any effort. <font color="red"> </font>
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Welcome NappiiGurlC

I am so sorry to hear about your hair.
The thing that would really help is to get on a complete routine to turn your hair around. I also think that you may do better not putting the cornrows in your hair because your hair is already stressed enough. It's time to condition, condition and condition some more. You also need to use a good softening and detangling shampoo like cream of nature. A good hot oil treatment like olive oil or jojoba oil. A good conditioner to use that is safe for rebuilding is mayonnaise straight from the kitchen.

I had really damaged hair before I went natural and used Spectrum Naturals Organic Omega-3 Mayonnaise with Flax Oil.

Ingredients Organic expeller pressed soybean and flaxseed oils
Organic Whole Eggs
Organic Honey
Oganic Egg yolk
Organic White Wine Vinegar,
Sea Salt
Organic Mustar Flour
Organic Lemon Jice Conentrate.

I used this once every two weeks to rebuild my hair. I did this for about two months and this did wonders for my hair. I also used a lot of conditioners by Aubrey Organics like GPB, Aloe Rejuvenator, and Island naturals.

I washed every week using Dr. Bonners Aloe Vera and Almond Castile Soap and My hair did a complete turnaround. I then starting experimenting with a lot of other natural products.

Also it may be time for a good vitamin routine like MSM, Biotin, Multivitamin. Please know that I too felt the way you did and so did many ladies on this forum but the good thing is you have come to the RIGHT PLACE. Trust me, this will all be a thing of the past soon and you will be posting how great your hair is doing. All the ladies here are very supportive and you will get some great advice. Please note that everything that we recommend may not work for your hair so it will take trial and error but be patient, you are on the right path.
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Sorry, I meant to ask...What products do you use as far as shampoos, conditioners, etc? How often are you washing? There are so many things I can recommend but I assure you that this is a question that is going to come up.

Another good thing is the Aphoghee treatment and someone else mentioned Nexxus Emergency.
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

sorri i replied so late i use creme of nature detangling shampoo it makes my hair real soft and managable and sometimes i use VO5 shampoo and conditioner, black protein gel, doo gro grease, lekair supergro grease, and thats about it right now i dont know what else to use and i usually leave the VO5 conditoner on for about 2 hours i dont kno why i just do. I wash my hair, and et it air dry every week and then im back in my braids
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Hi, welcome

I feel your pain, we should issue a warning against hair glue
that stuff is bad really bad

Well I would suggest that your stop using the hair grease (all of them) their just cloging your roots and scalp it's like a barrier (it's all based in vaseline) nothing goes in nothing comes out zero moisture. And that black/brown gel run and chuck it
it's damaging and will jack up anybody's hair you should stay away from styling products for now.
Instead of grease try oils try some kemioyl, or better more natural Amla Dabur (dark grenn oil) from your local Indian grocery store. You can't miss it there a picture of a woman with long dark hair on it.
Right now your hair needs moisture, I agree with the ladies you should try a prtein treatment like aphogee to rebuild your hair.
IMPORTANT: you must use a moisterizing condtioner like humectress, or cholestrol to soften your hair back up or it will stay hard and follow the directions only every 6 weeks.
When you take your hair down from the braids, every 2-3 months give yourself a trimm just the very tips of the ends, not chopping off alot of hair.
Don't worry you came to the right place, we are all here to help you.
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Welcome NappiGurlC
I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma. But you HAVE come to the right place. You alread been given some great advice. The one thing I'd like to add is that Luster's S-Curl No-Drip Curl Activator is very good for maintaining moisture in your hair. If you do a search, you can see what everyone else has to say about it. Good luck and happy hair growing
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

thank you all i'm going to try the tips here and try anything that helps! THANX AGAIN!!!:)
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

u've already received great advice already so good luck with yo hair
hope to read a post about how better your hair is doing soon!!
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Hey! I read your replies to the young lady about her hair. I read that you use Spectrum Naturals Organic Omega-3 Mayonnaise w/Flaxseed Oils. Where can I get that? Are their products good and did it improve your hairgrowth? Is there a website? If so, can you give it to me? I'm trying to go the organic eventhough I know it will be more expensive but I read that it's the best thing you can do for your hair. I would appreciate this very much. Thank you and God Bless.
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Welcome NappiiGurlc.
I'm sorry to hear about your hair. I also agree you should leave the micro braids alone. Cornrows may help, but make sure you don't have them done really tight. While they are up keep them moisturized. Right now the less you do to your hair the better. I know you don't want to cut it all off, but you may have to to start over with a healthy head of hair. Have you thought about cutting it short and getting comb curls? They can last up to 2 weeks or more. A co-worker did that and her hair is growing back so fast.
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Hi Honey

Sorry to reply so late. Spectrum is real mayonnaise and you can get it from a health food store or grocery that has a health food section.

Here is the spectrum site but they are under construction


The mayonnaise comes in a jar like the one in the site below but is says Omega 3 with Flaxseed


As far as my hair... it helped improve the strength. Hair growth is nothing more than perserving the hair and keeping it from breaking which is what I did by keeping my scalp clean, conditioning daily, washing every 4 days. When it grew longer, I would wear twists, braid outs, and my favorite two french twists. This product is excellent...straight from the kitchen.
Re: Hello im New and here\'z my sad true story (long)

Hi NappiiGurlC

Since you want to be natural. Here are some great products that you may like.

I use to use a lot of commercial shampoos but would get sores in my head, eyes would swell, bald patches, etc. It wasn't until I started doing research on ingredients that I started experimenting with natural products. Here are my favorites. Hang on to your seat because it's a lot of links coming.


This is an excellent natural shampoo that detangles and softens




Absolutely Love Ebene...Shampoos, Soapnut and the Shea Butter Hair and Scalp Conditioner keeps my hair very moist and brings out my curls



I just started using this trio product and LOVE what it is doing for my curls


Earthly Delight Tropical Rain Shampoo -
$14.95 16 fl. oz

Ingredients: Distilled water, sage, rosemary, nettles, wheatgerm soap, horsetails, essential oils of neroli, cinnamon &amp; coconut

I apply an Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to my hair and then rinse out before I proceed with my conditioner

Earthly Delight Hair Conditioner-$14.95 16 fl. oz

Ingredients: Deionized water, vegetable glycerine, rice bran oil, avocado oil, wheatgerm proetein, pathanol, amino acids, vegetable emulsifying wax, essential oils of neroli, cinnamon &amp; coconut

Earthly Delight's Hair Growth Stimulator Pomade
$14.95 4fl. oz ( This also makes my hair really straight and soft)

Ingredients: Coconut oil, virgin olive oil, chlorophyll, essential oils of sage, nettles, rosemary and bergamont.

Keep in mind that some natural products do not work well in hard water and getting a shower filter really does help. Also, these were all my trial and error products and some work best during a certain time of the year. I cut my hair in May of 2000 down to about an inch and a half. I grew it to about bra strap in about a year or so and then put braids in it which chewed my hair up terribly. This was the picture after I cut my hair from the braids in October, 2002.


I had since cut my hair off again.