Hello....I'm a Newbie!


New Member
I've been stalking this forum for almost two weeks now, so I finally decided to officially join it. ;)

I'm so excited to start my healthy hair care journey. I attended a Cathy Howse seminar on Sat. January 20th and have been hooked ever since! I've learned so much from reading her book and also reading the threads that you ladies participate in. Thank you all!

This past Friday I got a relaxer and the big chop! My hair was in pretty bad shape after months of neglect, weaves, braids and ponytails. I know how to better care for my hair now and I have a new attitude about my it. I had given up on ever having healthy, thicker, longer hair so I just abused and neglected it. I was even accepting the fact that I was just going to invest in expensive weaving hair and weaves from now on. But after attending Cathy's seminar and reading her book, I think differently now. :)

I forgot to mention that my hair is now in a blunt cut below the ear/at my jawline.

My goals this year are to:

Wash, deep condition & airdry twice a week.
Protein treatments as needed because I tend to have a lot of breakage.
Moisturize daily.
Keep my hands and combs out of my hair!!! :lol:
Eat healthier, drink more water and take vitamins daily (multi w/iron & zinc, biotin and Os-Cal)
Make it to shoulder length by September 2007.
shakira74 said:
I've been stalking this forum for almost two weeks now, so I finally decided to officially join it. ;)

I'm so excited to start my healthy hair care journey. I attended a Cathy Howse seminar on Sat. January 20th and have been hooked ever since! I've learned so much from reading her book and also reading the threads that you ladies participate in. Thank you all!

This past Friday I got a relaxer and the big chop! My hair was in pretty bad shape after months of neglect, weaves, braids and ponytails. I know how to better care for my hair now and I have a new attitude about my it. I had given up on ever having healthy, thicker, longer hair so I just abused and neglected it. I was even accepting the fact that I was just going to invest in expensive weaving hair and weaves from now on. But after attending Cathy's seminar and reading her book, I think differently now. :)

welcome to the forum.. and I also love Cathy Howse's regimen. I have learned how to take care of my relaxed hair b/c of her research. I have been able to keep my ends and length.. where as before I was breaking as fast as I was growin!! but now my hair has just did a complete turn around!

Enjoy your stay here !! happy hair growing:) ;) :p
Welcome I'm also a :newbie: here. I know about that seminar too I missed it though(I live a few bocks away:wallbash:)lol. I follow her book and regimen too. I hope you find the ladies here to be helpful cause i do!