Hello I am new


Well-Known Member
I came across this board on Saturday and decided to join. My name is Q, 25 married to T, 3 girls, B- 5, D- 3, and K- 1. We moved to the SW back in 2001. The weather here is so different and my hair was not thriving. It became dry. It was past my bra at the time and relaxed. I had been growing it since 98. In Nov of that year I was just doing a lot of searching and decided to go natural.

In Feb 2002 I had it cut up to my chin and started wearing braids off and on. I had K in Oct and shortly after my husband got deployed. In March while I was in MS I finally cut of the remainder of my relaxer. About a month ago I got my hair dyed, pressed and trimmed. Right now my hair is about 9 inches long in the back. It is in layers because of cutting the relaxer off.

I am really committed to growing it even longer. My hair tends to grow really fast I just need to nuture it more. I am also transitioning my oldest daughter. I made the dumb mistake of getting a kiddy relaxer put in hers.
Don't get on me I have kicked myself over it already. Her hair is halfway down her back with about 3 inches of new growth. Tomorrow we will both go and get cornrow braids. I am going to wash and cut the remainder of her relaxer off and keep getting it braided until it is long again. Thankfully she has fast growing hair like mine.

What I usually do is wear braids for about 2-3 months take them out and do and extensive deep conditioning treatment and wear it in twists or a french braid off and on for about a month 1/2 and then get it braided again. Bria and I have type 4A but my other 2 are 4B. Their hair is very easy, soft, and wavy, they get it from their dad.

I am really excited about this journey and was up late reading posts and getting info. Right now I take a multi vitamin, and these Alfalfa capsules. I was taking the alfalfa to help get rid or excess water but the great thing about them is that they also make your hair and nails grow
I will sit down and come up with a regimin and post it later. Take care and GOD BLESS!! Q
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Queeny welcome aboard!!! Your regime sounds really good. If you have a digital cam, please be sure to set up a free web/pic account @ www.fotki.com, so that we may see your lovely hair!
Welcome Queeny. I am also new to the board, joined last week. I have learned so much in the last week reading through everyone's post. Now comes the hard part of deciphering everyones good advice and finding a regimen of my own that I can stick to. We shall have to learn together.
Welcome to the LHCF, I just joined yesterday...I know you will find this board VERY informative (I sure do)
Welcome Queeny!

I'm interested in hearing more about the alfalfa and your hair growth, if you want to start a thread on it.