Hello Hydration SUCKS!


New Member
Yesterday I used the shampoo and conditioner.

The shampoo made my hair feel TOO soft and squeaky clean. It provided less slip than all of my other shampoos and the smell was too strong.

The conditioner, when I put it on, made my hair feel like silk. That's a good thing. I left it on for 5 minutes. Rinsed. My hair had slip, felt soft. I then styled as I normally would. When my hair dried this morning, my curls (new growth and texlaxed) were more defined, but I had breakage. I havent had breakage in a while. And I saw a few splits that were not there the day before. :mad:

Do I blame the shampoo? The conditioner? is ALS harsher than SLS or SLES? Maybe that's the culprit. I'll give the conditioner another try, but that shampoo can kiss what I twist... and I dont mean my wrist. :mad:
I think ALS is one of the harshest if I remember correctly. Hmm...well what works for one may not work for another. I just used the conditioner and Im under my soft bonnet right now, so its too early to tell if I like it or not.:ohwell:
goldensensation said:
Yesterday I used the shampoo and conditioner.

The shampoo made my hair feel TOO soft and squeaky clean. It provided less slip than all of my other shampoos and the smell was too strong.

The conditioner, when I put it on, made my hair feel like silk. That's a good thing. I left it on for 5 minutes. Rinsed. My hair had slip, felt soft. I then styled as I normally would. When my hair dried this morning, my curls (new growth and texlaxed) were more defined, but I had breakage. I havent had breakage in a while. And I saw a few splits that were not there the day before. :mad:

Do I blame the shampoo? The conditioner? is ALS harsher than SLS or SLES? Maybe that's the culprit. I'll give the conditioner another try, but that shampoo can kiss what I twist... and I dont mean my wrist. :mad:

Yes, from what I understand the ALS is the harshest one out there because of the ammonium. It could be the culprit. Are the other ladies who love hello hydration using the the conditioner only? That may be it. You might want to ditch the shampoo and stick to the conditioner.
Cayenne0622 said:
Yes, from what I understand the ALS is the harshest one out there because of the ammonium. It could be the culprit. Are the other ladies who love hello hydration using the the conditioner only? That may be it. You might want to ditch the shampoo and stick to the conditioner.
From most of the reviews Ive read, they are only using the conditioner. I only bought the conditioner, and so far so good. Well actually my hair is not completely dry but I took the roller out of one part, and it feels good. So I dunno yet...
goldensensation said:
Yesterday I used the shampoo and conditioner.

The shampoo made my hair feel TOO soft and squeaky clean. It provided less slip than all of my other shampoos and the smell was too strong.

The conditioner, when I put it on, made my hair feel like silk. That's a good thing. I left it on for 5 minutes. Rinsed. My hair had slip, felt soft. I then styled as I normally would. When my hair dried this morning, my curls (new growth and texlaxed) were more defined, but I had breakage. I havent had breakage in a while. And I saw a few splits that were not there the day before. :mad:

Do I blame the shampoo? The conditioner? is ALS harsher than SLS or SLES? Maybe that's the culprit. I'll give the conditioner another try, but [B]wthat shampoo can kiss hat I twist... and I dont mean my wrist. :mad:
goldensensation said:
Yesterday I used the shampoo and conditioner.

The shampoo made my hair feel TOO soft and squeaky clean. It provided less slip than all of my other shampoos and the smell was too strong.

The conditioner, when I put it on, made my hair feel like silk. That's a good thing. I left it on for 5 minutes. Rinsed. My hair had slip, felt soft. I then styled as I normally would. When my hair dried this morning, my curls (new growth and texlaxed) were more defined, but I had breakage. I havent had breakage in a while. And I saw a few splits that were not there the day before. :mad:

Do I blame the shampoo? The conditioner? is ALS harsher than SLS or SLES? Maybe that's the culprit. I'll give the conditioner another try, but that shampoo can kiss what I twist... and I dont mean my wrist. :mad:

i second that! i didnt like it either. i used the conditioner and i thought it sucked as well.
Thanks ladies,

I will not be trying the shampoo or conditioner because I am not taking ANY chances especially when my regimen is working. I was going to try the conditioner.:ohwell:
I agree. I used the conditioner once last Tuesday. It was okay, but my aloe and shea butter conditioner makes my hair softer. Also when my hair dried, it was very bushy and frizzy. I tried it again on Friday night and the same thing happened on Saturday. My new growth was so dry. I washed my hair again on Saturday and used my usual conditioner and now my hair is silky and my new growth is tamed.

It smells good though.
The shampoo was a hit for me the first time I tried it and now it's a miss.
My hair had not slip or moisture and felt kind of dry.
I love the conditioner it works everytime I usally use it for co washes.
Yeah. It made my hair feel like straw--the conditioner, I mean. I'll try adding some Olive oil to it and see how that works.
Just goes to show that what may work for one....will not work for all. I just bought some after reading all the raves about it......will see what it does for my hair.
oh no and you and i have the same kinda hair!!! and ive got a couple of bottles coming out to me
shine a blinkin light!
lemme get a few bottles and then end up binning them!
that would be my luck!
thanks for sharing
GoGoChik said:
I agree. I used the conditioner once last Tuesday. It was okay, but my aloe and shea butter conditioner makes my hair softer. Also when my hair dried, it was very bushy and frizzy. I tried it again on Friday night and the same thing happened on Saturday. My new growth was so dry. I washed my hair again on Saturday and used my usual conditioner and now my hair is silky and my new growth is tamed.

It smells good though.

Same thing happened to me yesterday. I was going to give it another try after my touch up but i think I'll pass. I also will probably throw away the sample shampoo. Seems to harsh. Also after using this my hair is shedding more than normal.
Cayenne0622 said:
Yes, from what I understand the ALS is the harshest one out there because of the ammonium. It could be the culprit. Are the other ladies who love hello hydration using the the conditioner only? That may be it. You might want to ditch the shampoo and stick to the conditioner.
I use both shampoo and conditioner every time.
My hair is silky, the curls defined and the SHINE! Whoaaaa!!:eek:
Not every product will work for everyone though, we all have found that out. At least it was a cheapie product and not something that took a real bite out of your bank account!
goldensensation said:
Do I blame the shampoo? The conditioner? is ALS harsher than SLS or SLES? Maybe that's the culprit. I'll give the conditioner another try, but that shampoo can kiss what I twist... and I dont mean my wrist. :mad:

:lol: Girl, you are funny. But yeah I went out and got the conditioner and to me it really was not all that. I love Dove's Conditioner Therapy (blue bottle), period. I love CON (green label), period. I love the ORS Replinishing Pak, period. I gots my staples, they work for me!!!! But no I had to go and by Hello Hydration:lol: after all the raves, I just couldn't resist:look:. But it did not cause me any harm, I just didn't like as much as my Dove, so the next time I just mixed the Hydration with the Dove and I was good to go. (I don't like the Herbal Essence line anyway lol but like Mermaid said, at least it was cheap.) I think it was definitely the shampoo that caused you the problems.
Ok, I used the HH conditioner (only) after clarifying with the generic nexxus aloe rid shampoo, and that stuff is the BOMB :eek: ! I had major slip & my newgrowth is soo soft and manageable, it's a keeper for me :grin: ...... I really think clarifying is the key to getting the most out of this and any other product as someone mentioned in another thread!
I didn't care for HH either, I felt like it wasn't a quality product, well what can you really expect for 2.99 a bottle. I didn't experience the slip everyone was talking about. I used it after Kercare Detangling and when I put that in my hair my hair was like what the #$#$%!!! My hair was :mad: !!
amr501 said:
I really think clarifying is the key to getting the most out of this and any other product as someone mentioned in another thread!

ITA...there is a big difference in how it works when you clarify in my experience w/ it.
I'm still breaking, ladies. Again, not much, but going from no breakage to a handful (per day) of inch and inch and a half pieces is a lot. Tomorrow I am gonna do an ORS. :(
i use the conditioner with a suave biobasics shampoo and it softens but I have little pieces of hair coming out in my comb, thats kinda bothersome, i think i'll have to do a protein treatment or something.
I agree, I used the shampoo on my hubbies relaxed hair and it matted up as i was washing it...lol then i used some CON IMMIDIATELY after i rinced the Hello Hydration out. The conditioner i was really aprehensive on b/c of the results of the 'poo but i did it anyway and it totally dried his hair up and his ends were splitting like crazy. I had to give him a trim because of it! This stuff smells good but SUCKS! I changed my mind about using it on my own hair.
It split some of my ends and today I lost so much hair and had a bunch of tangles while washing. My hair didnt start doing this until AFTER Hello Hydration. I am so upset with myself for trying a product that I didnt need. :cry:
i love it.
the conditioner that is.
but i read that we must clarify because their is a cone in the conditioner that has to be removed or the hair can start feeling dry.

idk yet though, it's my first time using it.
my hair is softttt.
I use the conditioner on my pre-poo sometimes. I didn't think it was powerful enough to graduate to my deep conditioning step. It just couldn't compete with my Humecto or Silicon Mix.
ya'll are crazy, I love me some HH for detangling and cowashing.

Although ORS has never done a thing for me (maybe there is some sort of correlation, lol)

The LTR leave in has been saving my life as a loose natural these days

Yes it has cones in it and I was wary at first but my hair seems to be saying YEAH CONES<3 so I'm not going to argue with it despite what my brain says.

The shampoo, however, was used once, scoffed at, and then tossed in the trash.
The conditioner is one of the best! So I would chalk up the negative results to the shampoo. I've never used the shampoo--looks like I never will. haha