Hello Hello Hello beautiful ppl! (newbie)


New Member
Hello everyone! Wow im finally up in here! :yay: I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and didn't get trampled out there for Black Friday! I have been a loooong time lurker! :user: through all the jokes, the drama, the Type F situation lolz... and the hair achievements (congrats). I'm really excited to finally join the family. So lets get down to business.....Right now im currently natural. No BC im too stubborn for that and I got a big head :lol: but I am always amazed at the ladies who had the nerve to do it. I just had hair cuts and trims over the past two years while transitioning. Back then my hair was only grazing SL now im grazing APL my goal is WL. I was actually scarred straight into going natural. Long story short, I had a perm done for valentines day back in 09'. I knew my hair was suppose to "tingle" maybe even sting a little bit but MAN OH MAN someone dial 911!!! My scalp was on FIRE :burning: this was at a salon mind you. I asked her to wash it out and her response was "It's suppose to burn a little im almost finished." NO NO NO! As soon as I got over to the water I swear I heard my head go "SSssssssss" and smoke rise from it :lachen: yea I guess I can laugh about it now...smh. My hair was fine when I walked out but a few weeks later I had scabs and the front and middle of my hair felt like fried chicken so I just snipped snipped and cut a few inches off at a time and never reached for the creamy crack again and deleted the salon number out my phone! Everytime I walked into a salon with my friend to get her hair done I was in a fighting mode over my hair :brucelee: Best decision ever made as I saw my curls emerge from my scalp more and more. Thank God I didn't have any bald patches! So as far as my regimen I was a PJ, I put EVERYTHING in my hair. Don't let me walk into a BSS on pay day! CUZ IT WILL GO DOWN IN THERE!!! smh :lachen:. So right now Im working on keeping it simple and learning what works and what doesn't work. Mineral oil makes my hair hard and crunchy after a while but I only used to put it on my ends. And I learned my hair soaks up moisture like there's no freakin tomorrow! So Im in the process of finding a staple moisturizer. I co-wash with HE HH and I may use MNT Deep Moisturizer conditioner and whenever I shampoo I use Creme of nature diluted in water. As far as hair type I know im in the 3's but thats about it. :perplexed I have a really loose curl pattern in the front and the curl tightens more leading towards the back. Right now im hiding my hair under a weave for a PS but amazingly I miss my natural hair and it's been about a month and a half so I will be removing this thing. It truly feels good to use weave as an OPTION and not have to rely on it as a main hairstyle. Living in L.A. and Las Vegas that's all you pretty much see so it's interesting to go outside the box. I know I have written so much :blush: but I just wanted you to get a feel of where I have came from and where I am and where I am going on my journey. Thank you for reading. :grin:
:welcome3: on board! Thanks for sharing your story and looking forward to future post by you. HHJ!
A BIG welcome Lyric!!! I can tell from your writing style that I'm going to enjoy your posts so please join in the fun often and mix it up with the rest of us hair fanatics.