Hello from newbie with pics


New Member
Hi ladies. Another newbie coming out of lurkdom. I just wanted to officially say hello. My HHJ started after the birth of my second child. My hair was beautiful and APL during my pregnancy. However, after the baby, it became a tangled broken off mess.

I was always one of those women who went to the stylist every two weeks. Aside from those visits, my hair received no other TLC. However, when my hair would tangle after washing, my stylist would roughly brush...yes, brush...all the tangles out:nono: along with my hair. I quickly went from APL to SL in a few months time. The icing on the cake was that one day I saw that my nape was completely bare! No hair whatsoever! After about 8 more months of allowing my stylist to take care of my hair, my nape was still bare. I couldn't take it anymore.

Like a lot of women on here, I found Cathy Howes' book and then this website. I started taking care of my own hair at the beginnning of October. I stretched my relaxer to 12 weeks this time and the stretch went smoothly! The attached show my beginning pictue in October, November, and the most current from last night.

I am so thankful for this website and all the useful information. I am looking forward to sharing ideas, triumphs, failures, and everything in between with everyone. HHJ!


  • Oct 09 compressed.jpg
    Oct 09 compressed.jpg
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  • Nov09compressed.jpg
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  • Styled Nov09compressed.jpg
    Styled Nov09compressed.jpg
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  • Dec09compressed.jpg
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Thanks ladies.

Theo and Adora,

I am so busy with two kids that I have no idea how my arms are so toned! Maybe salsa dancing?
Welcome and my eyes totally zoomed in to your arms as well. I almost thought I was in the fitness forum!

now that i got that out the way, please migrate down to the health forum and give us some tips! your arms looks so good! ♥
Welcome to the board! Are you self relaxing now or letting the stylist do it?

My nape fell out badly when the relaxer wasn't rinsed properly.
Welcome to the board! Are you self relaxing now or letting the stylist do it?

My nape fell out badly when the relaxer wasn't rinsed properly.

Hi Loca! The only thing I don't do is self relax. I still go to my stylist for that, but I don't let her "assistant" relax or wash my hair. I wish I could self relax, but it always took to long in the past bc my hair is really thick.

I'm going for a 16 week stretch this time. 12 weeks was easy for me!